Chapter 1: "Rebirth of a Nation"

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Dinsmark, Belka. 0900hrs. 5 July, 2020/????

The capital of Belka is thrown into a frenzy since after the bright light that engulfed their nation dissapated, Belka lost all contact with the outside world or even to their neighboring countries such as Sapin and Ustio.

Within the office of the Chancellor things are also chaotic as various reports piled in, ranging from several road accidents due to the light to the lost of contact to any of the outside countries.

Eva Stein, the acting chancellor of Belka has her hands full from the chaos and reports the light has caused, however the new set of reports caught her interest.

According to the head of the airforce's report old aircraft that were lost during the Belkan war manifested out of nowhere and are now made the airbases filled to the brim with aircraft. Ranging from their light fighters to even the Heavy command cruiser XB-0.

The same reports came in from the army following almost the same lines, old equipment such as tanks, guns, SPAAs manifested out of nowhere and are all now cramed in different bases.

However the next reports both confuse and intrigued her. From the Navy's report many freighters from Gründer have manifested alongside Osean and Yuktobanian ships that have already sank back in the 2010 Circum Pacific War. Some ships even belong to the Erusean Navy, ships that should be resting in the bottom of the ocean. Like the Yuktobanian Destroyer Gumrak, the Osean Carrier Kestrel, Erusean Battleship Tanager or hell even the Alicorn and Scinfaxi.

Eva rubbed her temples, she knows this will be one massive logistics nightmare and it makes the light incident even more confusing. The appearance of these assets explain nothing about the light nor the lack of outside contact.

She weighed her options and decided to send an order to the Airforce to send out scout flights to their neighboring countries with the BM-335, all in an attempt to get any information out of this situation.

Dinsmark Air Base, Belka. 1237hrs. 5 July, 2020/????

Ground crews scrambled to get flight of BM-335s airborne at the Chancellor's orders, they also decided to sortie fighters as escorts to these bombers.

The squardons chosen for this mission is the 10th Luftdivision
8th Taktisches Jagdgeschwader or simply known as Grun , the 22nd Luftdivision/4th Taktisches Jagdgeschwader or Schnee squadron and the 2nd Luftdivision
52nd Taktisches Jagdgeschwader which is the Rot Team.

These squadrons use the same names and designations as their Belkan War counterparts however their pilots aren't the same blind prideful menaces that flew in the skies of 1995.

The moment the last plane took to the skies the base now played the waiting game, anticipating any kind of report from this scouting flight in hopes to get some information to work off.

Skies over Area B7R. 1320hrs. 1 July, 2020/????.

Thr flight of one reconnaissance BM-335 and four Eurofighter Typhoons soar overhead, the flight made them all anxious since they might accidentally trespass over Ustian airspace.

All of them heard of the stories of what happened here at B7R or how many pilots call this place 'The Round Table', every pilot of this day and age has already heard of the stories of two mercenary pilots that served under Ustio, the twp pilots who scored kill after kill in this airspace. Ustio's 6th Air Division, 66th Airforce unit, the legendary Galm Team that's comprised of the two best mercenary pilots, Solo Wing and Demon lord.

One of these Pilots knows it all too well, Hans Fleisher. He is the lead pilot of Rot Team and the son of Lieutenant Colonel Deltlef Fleisher, a pilot who saw air combat at the height of the Belkan war.

His father told him a lot of stories of what he experienced in the war, but the story of where his father had an encounter the Demon lord stuck to him, how his father's pride blinded his father when facing the Demon lord, how his father's belief on no such mercenary can cause that much trouble for the “Mighty Belkan Airforce”.

Then after a few minutes of flight they finally arrived to Ustio. . . . Or where it should be, it was just uncultivated land as is nothing was built there and then they saw the ocean. . .

One after another, transmissions went haywire with all the same thing in their reports, that the land that surrounds Belka was of the former territory of Greater Belka, and the fact they are surrounded by an ocean.

Dinsmark, Belka. 0900hrs. 6 July, 2020/???

Government offices worked non-stop after the contious flow of reports flood into their desks, the reports ranged from more equipment that manifested across the land was found such as the two arsenal birds at prestine condition, the Estovakian super fighter CFA-44 the Nosferatu.

Some reports were just downright shocking. Such as the S.OL.G. control center in the Waldreich mountains are operational and the system showing that the S.O.L.G. was in orbit at this very moment and is armed with several V2s.

Speaking of the V2, Avalon Dam's V2 launch facility is completely intact and has a single V2 ready for launch, this facility is all but abandoned after what the terrorist group “A World Without Boundaries” used this facility for.

And as for facilities, the North Osean Gründer industries remained intact and is temporarily renamed as the Belkan South Munitions plant once more and within that facility the stolen ADFX-02 was back and it still had the livery of Solo Wing on it there was also 3 of the 5 Z.O.E. aircraft that were lost in the past are somehow fully intact with all of it's flight data from those sorties and so are the two ADF-11 Ravens that were lost in the closing stages in the Lighthouse war.

One such facility that was lost during the Belkan War was the Sword of Tauberg AKA the Excalibur was completely repaired and is in its best condition.

And the reports concerning the geological position of Belka, as of now the report all say one thing. Belka is no longer in Strangereal but somewhere else. This is also backed by the satellite imaging they got thanks to the S.O.L.G.

Chancellor Eva steadied herself, she needs to disclose this information to the public somehow but for now the information will be kept under wraps.

On the other hand she looked at the images from the S.O.L.G. and saw there is one other nation close to them, however the only way to reach it is via the ocean and she's not sure if they are hostile or not.

So she sends out an order to the BNSDF, the order is as follows; "Utilize these new equipment within our surplus, use the redesignated OFS Kestrel to BNS Kestrel as the flagship of this operation and establish friendly relationships with our new neighbors".

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