On-Brand Loyalty: Shift Change - Inciting Incident

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It's an average night on Copper-9, the frigid weather throwing snow across abandoned buildings and frozen remains of the former human population. The moons above shine brightly in the sky, illuminating the city as a male Disassembly Drone is perched on one of the skyscrapers. He stares down at the empty streets, boredom evident on his visor.

His attire is business casual, a black suit with a long open jacket and a black tie over a yellow shirt. His silver hair is messy, contained under a black hat with the rim pulled back to not cover his five optic sensors. 

Serial Designation R

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Serial Designation R.

His yellow eyes lazily glanced around, searching for any trace of a stray Worker Drone. The night has been slow and not very fruitful, the squad leader only scoring a pair of Workers as they wandered around. While he liked to get a handful of kills per hunt, morning was on the way and R felt tired. Maybe his squad mates had more luck?

The moment he extended his bladed wings, the sound of a distant explosion caught R's attention. Seeing a small smoke plume, he jumped off the building top and flew over to the source, an unassuming factory littered with Worker Drone bodies. Their mutilated bodies are left outside the entrance, leading inside with oil pooling from their corpses. 

He tilted his head and glared down from the air, "Who made this mess? If one of those idiots did this, I'll have to give them another lesson on not wasting oil..." Hearing some distressed yells inside, R looked around the factory and spotted one of several holes left on the roof. Landing near one, he poked his head inside and observed the massacre.

A group of Worker Drones are running around in a panic, trying their best to avoid another Disassembly Drone slashing at them with his claws. This one looked far more feral than R, having a ruined suit covered in tears and oil stains while his head lacks any hair, the drone equivalent of being bald.

"What the hell is B doing here?" R growled, "Of course a rogue Disassembly Drone has to come over to my turf. That makes it my business to dispose of him and that'll be one lengthy report..." R could already feel a headache settling in, he HATED paperwork...

While R didn't interact much with his fellow squads, B is a rather infamous Disassembly Drone. A real psychopath and malicious machine, probably a sadist too since he has a tendency to light his own head on fire for fun. His attitude is atrocious and violent even to his own kind, which made his eventual rogue status all the more inevitable. That maniac is a shining example of how NOT to lead an oil-thirsty Disassembler.

R pulled out a sniper rifle and aimed it, looking to get a headshot in to disable B quickly and leave him vulnerable to a finishing blow. When he was about to pull the trigger, his target is suddenly hit from an airborne wrench, 

B clutched his head in pain, "OW! Who did that!?" He looked around with a vicious glare, seeing most of his prey already dead.

"Over here, moron bot!"

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