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There was an eeriness to the silence around Zephyra. The courtyards near her apartments were empty with everyone in the heart of the palace, celebrating under the king's orders. Yet, Zephyra couldn't stop pacing in her room, the celebrations a growing pit in her stomach.

It was a waiting game. How long until her people die? Andromache confirmed earlier when Zeiphyra asked that Hector had shown her the secret escape route on the eastern side of the palace.

Some would get out. Her family, as long as her father believed what was happening since it would be in front of his eyes. Her stomach pitched again. Her father would burn with the city. He wouldn't leave. The stakes were even higher.

"Zephyra, what are you still doing here?" Briseis entered Zephyra's room without a knock.

"Briseis." Zephyra pulled her cousin into an embrace.

Even on a day like this, Briseis spent the day praying to her gods. Even when Zephyra tried to send messages to her cousin, they were denied at door.

"Oh, cousin," Briseis said. "Tell me what's wrong."

"We're not safe," Zephyra said.

"What are you talking about?" Briseis gave a carefree chuckle that made Zephyra sick.

"Paris was right," Zephyra said. "We shouldn't have brought the horse into the city. You need to find Andromache. She knows a way out of the city."

"Zephyra, you're frightening me," Briseis said, holding tight to her cousin's hands.

Screams. Too far away to be in the palace. It's begun.

"What was that?" Briseis said.

"There's still time. Find Andromache. Get out. The Greeks will show no mercy. They will slaughter us all."

"What about you?"

"I have a plan."

Briseis needn't know what Zephyra's plan was. Briseis just needed to be safe.

Zephyra kissed her cousin's forehead and ushered her out of her bedchambers. It was time.

Still dressed in finery of white, cerulean, and gold, she too left her apartments for the courtyards. From there, she could see the fires. The entire city was engulfed in flames. Flashes of her dream from months ago floated behind her eyes. She had seen this before. Even knowing the outcome, there was nothing she could do to save her people.

The screams were getting louder and louder. There must have been more Greeks than those hiding in the wooden horse for them to move so swiftly.

Panic seized Zephyra's heart as the courtyards began to flood with palace residents. Chaos beyond anything she had seen even on the beaches with the Greeks grabbed hold of everything around her. Statues fell, horses ran wild, fire climbed higher and higher. Tonight would be genocide.

She needed out, but she needed to protect herself as well. Everything was where she last left it. A dagger under her bed, her bow and quiver in the armoire. If she left her apartments it would be easier for Achilles to find her. It didn't matter what happened after that. They just needed to be together.

She left her quarters without a final goodbye and made her way through the various courtyards until she came to the statue of Apollo. Nothing could make her believe in the gods who would do this to Troy, but this courtyard had the best vantage point of the palace. It will make her a target, but the risk was worth it to see Achilles again.

From Apollo's statue, Zephyra could see most of the palace and town – consumed in blood and flames. Her stomach churned as she saw babies ripped from their mothers, men and boys mercilessly slaughtered, women raped then killed...

And there was nothing she could do.

Her reaction was visceral as she fell to her knees, struggling to breathe. It was made worse by a strong, chubby hand wrapping around her neck, cutting of her airway.

"Too late for prayer, princess."


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