Lizzy: i'm not angree at you too i'm hurt. me and Mitchael had a pact never to date eachothers siblings and he broke that promise. Mitch you knew that you were the only thing i had that Alex didn't and now he  has you too.

Michael: i'm so terrably sorry i ..... i tried so hard afer finding out that Alex was my BUMBLE APP texting-boyfriend (Beatle704) of 3 months. you know very well that i'd had a crush on him since in like forever so finding out it was him just made this situation much harder to control and and.

Alex: [turns to look deeply at michael holding his hand] if i had of known i was out of bounds. someone you were not allowed to date then i probably would't have offered you that  appology drink for turning up 1/2 an hour late and accedentally getting us drunk then letting our feelings get the better of us and passionately F***ing you that very same night. [i place my hand on his cheek and softly kiss him with a lot of passion] but i do not regret any of this at all poohbear because you i love you so much.

Michael: its alright really, its all my foult for allowing you to by me a drink and yes i do know that . honey [softly puts my arms around his neck kissing him passinately then leans my forehead on his looking softly into his eyes] I love you too honey and i dont regret it because your the best thing thats ever happened too me. {tilt our heads to face lizzy}

Lizzy: [opens her mouh really wide placing 2 fingers in and pretends to gag] jesus guys get a room for crying out loud. it hurts me to see you togeather let alone being romantically involved as well.

Alex: sis please we're trying to talk this out and your just sitting there being rude and childish about this situation so if you don't want to try and patch up our relationships between you and us then you might as well leave.

Lizzy: Fine i will. [gets up ready to leave but mich calls me to sit back down.]

Michael: no please sit back down he was being sarcastic. so lizzy please tell me what i can do to make this right. you're my best friend and i don't really want to loose you.

Lizzy: you should have thought about that before f***ing my brother. Hmm, how MANY TIMES , HOW MANY??? 10, 11, 16 ????? TELL ME!. Alex took the only thing he didn't have away from me and now I no longer have a best friend.  Best friends don't break promises or lie to eachother.

Michael: please don't hate us. We are truly sorry that our relationship has caused you so much pain but its done now and we can't take it back + something inside me says that one night, that one stupid night was the best thing I could have done and wouldn't change it for the world.

Lizzy: I don't care, you promised me that you wouldn't ever date my brother and you did without asking me and even worse you hid it from me for more that 6 months. Its really hard to forgive you mitch it really is. NOW TELL ME HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN F***ING MY STUPID BROTHER!??

Alex: if you must know i think its been about 12 ish times. [I look lovingly into mitch's eyes and smile before for faceing my sister again] in all due respect on this subject you feel as though you need to have answers which is weird, your bff to put it.....extreamy good in bed infact most times we've done it mitch is usually on top. Just thinking about it makes me so happy. listen sis please. there's something else we've been meaning to tell you as well. You know that Michael is my boyfriend, well.

Michael: [looks lovingly into Alex's eyes] umm thanks honey. Your not so bad yourself [takes his cheak in my hand and passionately kiss him whitch I could see was starting to turn him on]

Lizzy: 12 TIME'S, TWELVE TIMES YOU'VE BEEN GIVING MY BROTHER ORGASMS 12 TIMES. [Takes a deep breath and lowers my voice] i know .... der, that's why I'm upset Al. [Rolls my eyes at my brother]

Alex: well umm, another thing is......around about 1sh i sort of asked Mitch to um....move in here with me and he accepted.

Michael: even though your the first person we've told about us i've already moved all my stuff in here and what you have to understand is that this isn't some bog standard fling to hurt you, we're actually in love and my heart only beats deeply for your brother.

Alex: and one day, not now but someday I'd love to start a family with him because my poohbear means that much to me.  The thought of loosing him over some stupid idiotic fight with you would break me.

Lizzy: I don't know if I can get over this as the pain is just too great. I need some space to clear my head before even considering even being around you too in the same room at home.

Alex: well umm that might be a little tricky tonight as we're all going out for a family meal. His mum, our mum and dad, me and my poohbear we're all going to Pizza Express tonight.

Michael: yeah and I was thinking of telling everyone about us as a couple at that dinner. If you think that would be a good idea honey.

Alex: if your absolutely sure you want to then we'll do it then.

Lizzy: I need some space to clear my head so I think it's best that I leave you guys and go home. [Walks to the front door, unlocks it and shuts it behind on my way out].

"Well that could have been worse." Alex joked but as he looked at me he realised that I did not think so and was starting to cry so he pulled me to his chest giving me a big hug stroking my hair saying "it's alright, she'll have to get over it eventually."

I looked up at my boyfriend and asked if we should tell everyone that we'll meet them there and he agreed so hegotout his phone andtextedhis mum sayinghewill be running late so turn up without me.  This was so that we could walkin as boyfriends and they could see us as a couple for the first time. "BTW, do you really think I'm that good in bed hon?" I said as I whiped the last tear from my eyes and alex replies " yes poohbear i ment every word".

After that I felt a little better and alex whispersred sexy things into my ear then i kissed down his neck to his sweet spot giving him a love bite 🫦. As I did so Alex tilted his head so i could get a better grip then closed his eyes and bit his lip in pleasure quietly moaning to himself which was so turning me on.

I could feel myself getting quite hot in my pants and really wanted him to suck me off but I know it wasn't really a good moment to be doing sausy things with my sex-god boyfriend so i just as I'd finish and was about to walk Into the kitchen Alex took my hand and walked me to our bedroom then said " oo, looks like someone's in need of a little relief".

Once inside he took my trousers and pants off straight away and started sucking on my dick. Started of slowly then got faster and faster till I felt like I was gonna cumm inside his mouth. This was like pure haven and I didn't want him to stop.

A few mins later he pulled me out and we took all our clothing off then I smiled devilishly and pushed Alex onto our bed holding his hands above his head. Laying ontop of him we started making out. Sex with alex is one of several things I love about him. It wasn't long before I kissed down his stomach to his dick and started sucking him off.

......................moments later .........................

He switched is over with a develish smile pulling to the edge of our bed and asked me to say sausy or sexy or sweet things to him so I abridged being so loved up right now. "Oo daddy you nasty boy I want you inside me, daddy I want you to cumm inside me." I said in a breathy but sexy sort of way.

Alex lightly smacked my right bum cheek and said "I'm gonna squirt every last drop inside of that delicious body" the placed his cock at my holl, grabbed a hold of my hair pulling my he'd up a little and began to push inside of me "your a little tight today, aren't you." He said in that sort of way that always turns me on.

I turned my head slightly to face him and alex kissed me for support asking if I way ready for it and I agreed so he pushed his full length inside of me and started going in and out getting quite fast.

"Uh uh yeah, oo fuck yeah, faster please daddy faster" I said out of breath a little. Eventually we turned arround so that alex was laying in the middle of the bed making sure to stay inside of me. He took a hold of my hips as support and i started to ride him jumping up and down with my moans getting quite loud.

The feeling hotter and hotter so whilst bouncing I grabbed my cock with my hand and started go up and decided quite fast.

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