Date Nights

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I'd been here so many times that I pretty much knew my entire way around the little apartment so this morning I decided to make my boyfriend breakfast in bed as for we were interrupted by lizzy yesterday so I couldn't do it on his birthday.

I made eggs and bacon with some toast and a cup of coffee. There was a vars of flowers and a small present rapped in blue paper next to it on the tray. I carried it into our bedroom.

Alex: umm, mornin something smells good.

Michael: morning baby, I made you your favourite. (I open the door and place the tray infront of him.)

Alex: thanks hon you shouldn't have. (Starts to eat.)

After breakfast

Michael: (kisses him softly) I was thinking, I was thinking that maybe it's about time we told your sister about us.

Alex: tell her what about us?????

Michael : you know, that we're together. After all we have been together for quite a few months, 6  to be exact and I can't believe we've lasted so long keeping it a secret from lizzy.

Alex: I'm not ready to tell her yet and besides I thought we agreed once you graduate we'll tell her. Because.....we had this all planned out.

Michael: I know we planned for me to go to the same university as you and tell her on the day we leave for university so if she's upset about our relationship she'll have to wait till the holidays to tell us so but I just. You know she suspects something up with u and asked me yesterday to try and find out.

Alex: I really don't wanna loose my sister over this and,  fine I suppose we could could tell her today but you better have a good idea how we go about telling lizzy.

Michael: (kiss him lightly on the lips) um....I was hoping you knew how we could tell her? Thx love.

Alex: I'll get dressed first then maybe we could tell her this morning. Sound good.

Michael: sounds good. I'll text her to meet us here in about 10 minuets shall I?

Alex: no I'll do that.  She'll wonder what you were doing here and be questioning you on text before she even turns up at my door so I'll text her.

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