
As Eden's eyes grew round, Cisen's stomach felt as if it was about to explode. A few seconds later, his assessment was even more tepid.

"I guess that's what she decided. I

honestly thought she was going to gamble on staying with the Actilus."

On the day he asked if she would stay, Eden could clearly see that Angelica was shaken. She seemed to have some affection for Raniero. Even though he didn't quite understand how that could be, Eden didn't try to persuade or convince her. 'I see,' he just thought so dryly.

"It's probably a good idea for her to leave. She made a good decision."

Saying so, he recalled the words on the door.

...When Actilla's blood is ready, use Tunia's sword to open it. Eden decided to pass the note after learning more about the identity of the 'Sword of Tunia.' Besides, he also wanted to talk to Angelica directly, not through Cisen.

Meanwhile, Cisen snapped back low and fast as if in frustration.

"She was adjusting well to the Empire. Her marital relationship with His Majesty the Emperor is also good."

"For now, that is."

"For now..."

Eden rolled his eyes.

No matter how much he thought about it, he didn't think Angelica would have even mentioned the world in the novel or being possessed. In the end, he decided to evade it roughly to the point where it was generally understandable.

"There was a prophecy."


"It's a prophecy that the Emperor will kill your master and me."

Cisen's body stiffened.

Eden took out the paper he had in his sleeve and gave it to her. While Cisen took it and tucked it into her sleeve as well, she continued to push him.

"Which god made such a prophecy? Was it the God of Tunia?"

There was a strong expression that Angelica wouldn't believe such a thing painted on her face.

"It's not the God of Tunia. Think of it as a revelation that she and I both received from completely different beings almost at the same time."

"Oh, my God..."

"When the paladins of Tunia went to Actilus, your master recognized me. She, too, received a revelation."

Eden was a much more level- headed and improvisational person than Angelica. He improvised an explanation that Cisen could understand.

"That's why she reached out to me."


"In other words, it's like a community of destiny. In fact, to some extent, she must have considered the possibility that she might escape the prophecy."


“Ah, well, the Emperor's attitude has been a bit different from the prophecy, but I guess she's convinced that things are still going to turn out the way they were prophesied."

When he glanced at Cisen's profile for a moment, she was still keeping her mouth shut.

"Your master has a lot to say to me, but she must be constrained by the Emperor's restraints. He seems to like her very much."

To be honest, he didn't quite understand how Raniero fell for Angelica so hard.

Cisen muttered in a dry voice.

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