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Jason POV

In a kingdom called 'Jupiter' there Was crown prince Jason Grace. Yep, that's me .

Hi, My name is Jason Grace and I have no clue how to rule but here I am. I am a secondborn which means my older sister should have gotten the throne but declined, her name is Thalia Grace, and she is also a hunter of Artemis. I also have a younger sister Her name is Maria Grace, If you think Thalia and I are opposites, you should see Thalia and Maria, look nothing alike. Thalia has jet black hair, her whole personality is emo, she hates dresses, likes Punk Music And owns a shirt that says 'PUNK IS NOT DEAD, YOU ARE'.

Maria is nothing like her older sister. She has Strawberry blonde hair, she is kind ( Not so much to people who know her), She likes dresses, and she loves symphonies ( the ones Beethoven created). She is also Best Friends with the Crown Prince of the kingdom 'Vulcan' Or as they like to call it 'Hephaestus' His name is Leo Valdez And not going to lie, But he is kinda cute.

Moving on, Maria keeps telling me that I have a crush on him but I simply refuse."Okay, I may have a itty bitty crush on him But that doesn't Count, Does it? " Jason thought Out loud.

"IT DOES GRACE!" Maria Shouts from outside.

"NO, IT DOES NOT" Jason shouts

Maria then barges into the room with Thalia

'Stop with the bickering you two" says Thalia, who is rarely home.

"FINE" Both the younger siblings say.

"Can I at least invite Leo over, or can we go there" Jason opened his mouth but before he could interrupt Maria spoke " Yes Jason you are coming too, and the thing is you can't say no cause I'm your younger sister and you the OvErLy OvER-PrOtEcTiVe OlDeR BrOtHeR"."Fine. I'll come with you but dare say a word about my crush on Leo, i will not hesitate to say everything to Skylar" Jason says

"Don't. You. Dare." Maria says in a terrifyingly calm voice causing both Thalia and Jason to think Jason may have hit a nerve.
"I won't but only if you do that, then I simply won't have a choice, Your Majesty" Jason said while Maria gave Jason the death stare. "Fineeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Maria said in a whiny voice,
this girl has serious mood swings Jason thinks to himself.

"Your majesty," said the butler interrupting our convo.

"Yes?" Said Jason straightening his posture.

"Majesty Leo wants to see you and Princess Maria"

Boy oh boy did I know it was gonna a long day.



Hello! hope you like the first chapter.
Suggestions are open!


Words: 441


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