The Vacation

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I hear the name Virgina practically every day; she is my stepsister. To put it bluntly, Virginia and I don't get along very well. Her mother married my dad presumably because of his riches and reputation, and since Me and Chiara are friends, we don't see eye to eye.

Chiara and I are no longer as close as we once were; lately, she has become more distant, but I'm happy for her since last year, my stepsister shoved her into a swimming pool.

And also, Cami (my best friend) found out that she was fucking her brother Niccolo, let's just say she wasn't too happy.

Niccolo, all I hear coming from Virginia's mouth—trust me, I've heard everything—is that they're uninterested in each other, that they're so toxic, and that they're breaking up for the second time this month. Despite the fact that she's a bitch she doesn't deserve to be led on every time, at least that's what she tells me.

Niccolò and I have never really clicked. Sure, we have the same friend groups, but other than exchanging glances on my way to class, we've never really spoken or done anything. I'm not the most attractive person in the world; sure, I'm pretty, but not in a way that will attract guys' attention. Virginia has to constantly remind me of this. However, after summer break, when I went to the Bahamas with my mom, everything changed.

You wonder, what changed? My dad had me go on this vacation in an attempt to help us "bond" with each other, even though there was never a "bond" between us to begin with. This is why I don't live with my mom because she is bitch, and we fight constantly. On my vacation she fucked me over with a ed. She mentioned how much I was eating and how I never exercised, I've never really had a problem with food. At first, it didn't really get to me, but the repeated reminders combined with my history of mental health issues didn't work well.

I started purchasing all these things to make myself seem "beautiful," and I watched all these kinds of videos on healthy living, but I was still skipping breakfast and lunch, not to mention no little snacks in between. My mother became more tolerant of me when I became "prettier." Perhaps she was correct about everything—all I need to do to live the life is to be attractive. As ridiculous as it seems, I thought about it every day. I sometimes wonder if I had really spoken to someone, whether I wouldn't be splattered in food problems and counting calories, but the important thing is that now that I'm back from school, people can see me.

I finally returned from the Bahamas with my mother, and to my surprise, nobody was waiting to greet me at the airport. Instead, I had to take a cab home. The cab driver asked, "What's a pretty girl like you doing alone?" I'm not sure if he was being a straight-up pervert or simply trying to be kind. I replied, "You think I'm pretty?" Ew, I can't believe I just said that while toying with my fingers in the back seat, I may shoot myself I thought. He sneered, "You're gorgeous." I stared at him in the mirror and then looked out over the stunning city of Rome.

When I finally arrived at my house, I rang the bell, but no one answered. I tried this many times before realizing that no one would respond, and after standing outside in the brisk wind for a good thirty minutes, I had the bright notion that I could simply spend the night at Camis. I take out my phone in the hopes that Cami will accept, only to discover it has died. "Fuck," I said to myself. It appears that I must attend Camis's unannounced. I started my walk to Camis. It was only going to be a 20-minute walk, so it couldn't hurt, but going for a nighttime stroll as a 16-year-old girl wasn't a smart decision. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to find a cab along the way.

It was a relief to finally get to Camis, with my luggage in hand. She is one of the few people who never fails to disappoint. I pull up to their driveway and knock on their front door. I bit my lip, hoping she would respond, Niccolo did. "Hey, is Cami here?" I asked nicely.  "And you are?" Niccolo said harshly. I pause, "Oh, it's me, Bella, you know from school," I say smiling awkwardly. Thank heavens, Cami dashed to the door, saving me from that humiliating conversation. 

Oh, how much I love Cami, she greeted me with a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. She dragged me inside right away, "Let me take that," she says as she took my suitcase and puts it in her room. I spoke in a gentle tone, "Thanks Cami, I'm sorry I didn't call before I came over." " What do you mean?" Cami asked, confused, "like I didn't say anything before I came over," I responded, equally confused, "What, your dad didn't tell you, you would be staying here for the night?" I paused, "Oh yeah, my phone died, he must have texted me when I landed."

Every time I go on a vacation with my mother, my dad makes sure he takes a trip with Virginia and her mother. Naturally, I was unaware of anything, Virginia blocked me, and my dad always tells me about the details at the last minute. He encouraged me to go on the vacation with my mom, but I'm not sure why—perhaps to annoy me. I ignore it though, and I follow Cami to the lounge where we seat by the table. I go into my bag and get a lighter and smoke, putting the smoke between my lips and inhaling deeply before letting it all out.

"Why doesn't your dad let you stay at your house by yourself?" Intrigued, Cami asked. Taking another inhale and allowing the smoke to fill my lungs, I add, "Remember that massive party Virginia did, I got the blame for that" I say exhaling. Yet she doesn't realize that's not the only reason: I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (bpd) at an early age, my father has kept it quiet ever since, just because he doesn't want to damage his reputation. However, the main reason why I'm not allowed is that I attempted suicide the previous time I was living alone in the house, about three years ago when I was 13.

Don't ask me why because, I really don't know, I blacked out and can barely remember anything.

Cami stops me in my tracks, saving me from my own thoughts "Thats bullshit, I swear your always taking the blame for her." I let out a little chuckle "yeah pretty much".  Cami and I spoke nonstop through the entire night until dosed off and fell asleep.

A/n: Hey guys this is one of my first times writing a fan fic so don't judge, also i would like some feedback, like should it be longer, should I do this in the story, also this is kinda rushed because i want to get into the juicy parts its kind of like a backstory but not, I'm taking the slower pace Aswell instead of jumping right into the relationship with Niccolò im gonna build the relationship and whatever, next chapter will probably be posted next week i hope.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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