CH-5 Sara's Secret

28 11 5

It was a class day today because the professor asked us to deliver speeches. Everyone had prepared their speeches on various topics in economics to earn some decent marks. I was sitting next to Harry, and some people were looking at us instead of memorizing their speeches. We both had our papers in our hands and were memorizing the speeches. Sara was sitting ahead of us, memorizing her speech or maybe writing something, I couldn't see properly.

Just then, Professor Jackson entered the class and said, 'Look, whoever's name I take will recite their speech. The better the speech, the worse the marks they'll get, and these marks are crucial.'

"Roll number 1," Sarah started speaking, and some girl nervously said all the wrong things, and a boy chuckled nervously. Oh, nervous laughter, wow.

"Number 38," that was my number. I had prepared my speech on unemployment. Harry wished me good luck, and I moved forward, and everyone else also wished me good luck.

I stepped forward, and many eyes were on me. I took a deep breath and began speaking.

"Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we delve into the intricate web of economic dynamics, one crucial aspect often looms over our discussions - the relentless specter of unemployment. In the intricate tapestry of labour markets and fiscal policy, the plight of the unemployed remains a stark reminder of the challenges we face as a society.

Unemployment, my friends, is not merely a statistic on a government report. It represents the human stories of dashed hopes, unfulfilled dreams, and the struggle for survival. Behind every percentage point increase, there are individuals grappling with feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty, and despair. It's the father unable to provide for his family, the recent graduate grappling with a sense of disillusionment, and the seasoned worker facing unexpected redundancy.

Yet, in the face of this formidable challenge, we must not succumb to despondency. Unemployment, with all its complexities, presents an opportunity for us to reevaluate our societal priorities, to cultivate resilience, and to foster innovation. It compels us to examine our education systems, to redefine the nature of work, and to recalibrate our policies to empower individuals and communities.

Let us not view the unemployed as mere statistics, but as potential catalysts for transformative change. Their experiences, their struggles, and their resilience should serve as a call to action for all of us. It is imperative that we create an environment where every individual has the opportunity to contribute their skills and talents to the greater tapestry of our economy.

In this pursuit, let us strive to forge a future where the scourge of unemployment is replaced by a landscape of diverse opportunities, where every individual is empowered to shape their own destiny. Let us work tirelessly to build a society where the dignity of labour is upheld, and where every person can find fulfilment and purpose in their endeavours.

Thank you."

I heard the sound of applause and saw several students jotting down '5' on their papers. I went back to my seat, and Harry said, "You are great, you prepared such a good speech." His sentence remained unfinished as his turn had come. "Alright, I'm going," he said and went ahead to start his speech on poverty."

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When we confront the challenges within our society, one of the most daunting adversaries we encounter is the relentless grasp of poverty. It is a blight that transcends borders, clutching communities and families, ensnaring them in a cycle of lack and uncertainty. Today, as we assemble to deliberate on this urgent issue, let us delve profoundly into the complexities of poverty, comprehending its multifaceted nature and the deep impact it has on the human experience.

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