November is Upon Us (11.05.23)

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It's Octover 😔😔

Man, I am not looking forward to the world getting colder and darker. I'm not really doing NaNoWriMo in any official capacity, but I am challenging myself to finish drafts of Van Terra III and The Living Tower this month. Van Terra alone probably has another 50k words at least, given where the draft is currently, so I suppose it's a fitting challenge.

Anyway, welcome to my new newsletter! If you're looking for updates on sequels you're waiting for, possibly even some sneak peeks 👀, or want to chat with me about my books, this is the place to be! It will also be a place for me to dump some memes and art. (I might retire my art book, I don't think I make enough to justify having that and this update book, but we'll see!)

For those who didn't see, I'm excited to announce that A Drop Of Haunted Blood made the Wattys shortlist this year! The winners announcement will be December 1 (if I remember correctly) - good luck to everyone else in the running!

I also figured I would make an official, in-depth post regarding where my sequels are at currently...

The Pyramid Chronicles 3: I'm working on the outline. This will likely be one of the first things I work on after finishing Van Terra 3 and The Living Tower!

Haunted Blood 2: Also a priority. I'm also still working on the outline here. However, I am ALSO simultaneously working on a prequel for the series! Because the events of the prequel are tied so closely with things happening in the series' present, I am likely going to finish at least a rough draft of the prequel before finalizing book 2 to make sure everything lines up correctly. However, the prequel won't be released until after book 2.

Villain Complex: My current idea for continuing the series is more of a spin-off than a true sequel, but there may be sequels down the line, too. I love these characters and want to do more with them! That being said, my plans for the follow-up mostly exist in my brain right now with a few notes scribbled down in my docs. I'll provide an update when I make serious progress on an outline!

Plague Saint 2: This is in a similar place progress-wise to Villain Complex. Plague Saint probably has the most requests for a sequel out of all my books (partially a result of spending a long time being the only book with a substantial number of reads 😅), thought it was originally intended as a stand-alone. But I have been thinking on some ideas on where I can take the story, and hope to start outlining in the near future.

Other projects: Unfortunately, my brain refuses to stop providing an endless stream of new story ideas. I do a decent job at setting most aside for later, but some are hard to resist. I may start up some new books in the near future and keep them around as side projects while I focus on sequels. Admittedly, with the way my brain works, it is nice to be able to jump between WIPs and take a break when I'm feeling stuck on one.

Additionally, I'm verrryyy tempted to start designing merch for some of my books 👀 mainly for fun and because I have a lot of ideas already, even if I'm not a particularly big author, I think it would still be a fun little thing to work on! If you're interested or have any books you'd like to see stuff for in particular, feel free to let me know 🧡

Finally, don't forget about all the other places on the net where you can find me! I plan on starting up on Insta again soon, and hopefully making Tik Toks again soon as well. Tumblr is probably my most active besides that. I'm also trying to add more to my website. And be sure to check out my character gallery on

(I plan to eventually incorporate a similar gallery into my website for people who don't have accounts, but for the time being that's the best place to see all my OCs and you don't need to be logged in to see my page!)

All are linked in my profile/ as well!


tumblr: rorynorth

tik tok: itsrorynorth

insta: itsrorynorth

(sidenote, just realized earlier today that having a biolink directly in my profile text meant no one was able to see all the other very important info I had there 🙃 should be visible now though, I just made the biolink my website link instead!

Thanks for reading, if you made it this far! I'll close out with some art.

Sebastian from Haunted Blood:

Regeron, the fae king who has a couple of brief appearances in The Living Tower:

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Regeron, the fae king who has a couple of brief appearances in The Living Tower:

Regeron, the fae king who has a couple of brief appearances in The Living Tower:

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And finally, a character from a new WIP idea I had recently. Her name is Wisteria:

 Her name is Wisteria:

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