Mystery Gift

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Laurent's POV:

"Larry," I screamed from the living room of our hotel room. "We're gonna be late, my brother." 

"I'm coming, I'm coming!," he shouted back, coming out of the room with his things in his hand. He looked so unprepared right now. I told him to pre-pack his things yesterday but knowing him, he always ignores me.  

"I thought I told you to pre-pack yesterday," I said, opening the room door. 

"I'm sorry, okay! I should've been prepared. But right now, we don't have time to confront me right now."

"Fine. Just listen to me next time. No, all the time."


We head down to the studio where we're supposed to be doing a workshop. On the way there, Larry was stuffing the items he was barely holding up earlier into his bag. All I could do was shake my head. If he was prepared, maybe he wouldn't be struggling. When we arrived, I saw Eleni waiting at the door with her arms crossed. "I hope y'all know you're late." 

"Look at this boy right here," I said, pointing to Larry.

"Of course it's Larry. All the fans know it's him," she said, looking at him with a displeased look. 

"How many times do I have to say sorry," he exclaimed, throwing his arms up.

"We hear that a lot. But the more time we stay confronting you, the more time we're wasting," Eleni told us. We all made our way in and went into our designated room. Once we walked in, the room broke out into cheers. We waved at our fans and put our stuff by the music booth. I drank a few sips of water from my bottle before I turned to the class. 

"Hello everyone! Sorry, we're late. How is everyone on this beautiful day?" The class responded with cheers and 'I'm goods'. 

"Well since we have 2 hours with you guys, let's go ahead and get started. Everyone who is dancing please step in the middle of the room. And the people who aren't, please take a seat in the chairs on the walls," I explained, pointing to the area with the chairs. The class made their way to the spot they wanted and waited for further instructions. 

"Now, half of the class will be split in half. One half goes to my brother, one half goes to me. So, let me get the people from the left to come to me, and the people on the right to go to Larry." They all separated and I was now with my class. 

"We don't want anyone pulling a muscle or anything, so we're going to stretch our bodies. First, we are going to stretch our arms." I tucked my right arm under my left arm and straightened my left arm. The class followed and did the same thing as me. We held it for 30 seconds before we switched to the other arm and repeated the same steps. We did some other body stretch before we got to the choreography. I looked over at Larry's group and they were just finishing up. I walk over to Larry to explain to him what I'm planning to do. He nodded his head and got back to his class.

I walked over to the music booth and turned on the speakers. I hooked my phone up to the speakers and played a song. Once it started playing, I nodded my head to the beat. I walked back to my class and thought of a dance move. Once I thought of one, I showed it to the class. I instructed them to follow my lead and slowly showed them how to do it. Most of the people here are dancers, so they easily understood. I had to go slow with non-dancers, so they wouldn't get confused. 

After I went over all the steps, it was time to perform it. I made them sit down and gave them a little talk while Larry's group was almost done. When they finished, me and Larry came together.

"Do you want your group to go first," he asked me.

"Yeah, since I'm the older one, I guess I should put you in your place," I said, smirking. 

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