16. Ups and Downs

Start from the beginning

"Alright! Anyone who's got one, come up and present!" Saijuuta's head snapped up to look at midnight. 'Oh, so I have to share with the whole class? Shit. no pressure..."

Aoyama waltzed to the front of the class and announced his name. The silence was deafening. Even moreso when Midnight seemed to actually support the name. A couple people shook their heads. Midnight looked at them. "Problem? It's not your name, I think it's reasonable if it's what he wants." Saijuuta shrugged. "Just, well. 'Spotlight.' it's right there and it's obvious. And basically achieves the same image, doesn't it?" Aoyama looked at him. "A fine idea, mon ami, I'll consider changing it one day, but at first the world must know that I simply can't stop!"

Aoyama grimaced internally. 'It really would be a better name. But maybe, with this name, they'll be suspicious of me. Maybe they'll see I really can't choose to stop...' he shook that thought away, no use dwelling on it right now.

"Alien queen!" Ashido said, grinning. Midnight shuddered. "I don't think so. Remember, name and image. You aren't trying to be a scary hero, are you?" Ashido wilted. "Dang it..." Uraraka raised a hand. "Venus? It's a planet with acid rain?" Ashido brightened. "Ooh yeah! The- uh, the Caustic hero: Venus!" Midnight thought it over. "approved."

The engine hero! Hi-speed!" Iida announced. "Straight to the point! I like it!"

Saijuuta looked at the name on his board. It wouldn't be perfect, but he could work on it.

That was the point.

He circled the podium, setting it down. "I'm the relentless hero, Kaizen!" he said.

Midnight hummed in approval. "You're referencing the philosophy of constant self-improvement. That's a very nice image to aspire to. Though the epithet has problems." Saijuuta looked at her.

"'Relentless' has a somewhat brutal implication, not the most suited for a hero." Saijuuta shrugged. "Unstoppable hero: Kaizen, then." Midnight nodded. "That'll work." Saijuuta nodded, sitting back down.

"Sugar Rush!" "Using your quirk's name as your own is a great way to make sure it's memorable!"

Shoji nodded as he set down the board. "Tentacole." Kaminari rested a hand on his chin. "Do you think the takoyaki industry will love you or hate you?" Shoji paused. "I have no clue. Question for later."

"Jet Black hero: Tsukuyomi!" Tokoyami said. Saijuuta was familiar enough with the boy to know he was hiding a grin as Midnight caught the reference.

Dark Shadow giggled in his head. 'God of Chuunibyous maybe.' he whispered. Tokoyami drooped. 'Dark Shadow, please. You're just as bad as I am.'

Toru took a deep breath. "Initially I was just going to go with 'Invisible girl,' but your names have so much meaning and mine was boring. So, I'm the Stealth Hero: Blindspot!" Midnight gave a thumbs up. "They'll never see you coming! Nice work!"

Bakugo slammed his board down on the podium. "King Explosion Murder." Saijuuta put a hand over his mouth as he laughed. "Oh my stars, that's genius. Midnight, please let him. The wordplay is too good to shut down, please." Bakugo looked at Midnight expectantly. She shook her head, amused. "It is good wordplay, but you really shouldn't have words like murder in a Hero name." Bakugo growled, sitting down. Saijuuta shrugged as he gave Bakugo a thumbs up. The blonde pointedly ignored him.

'What?' Saijuuta stared at Midoriya's board. Why on earth would he- "I used to hate it. But now this name is mine . It's going to be ironic and show that I can do anything! Deku!" Midnight pondered it. "An ironic name. You know, I think you could make it work. Go for it."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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