Beast Boy x Villian! Reader

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I had stood next to Beast Boy while Terra introduced herself. Watching as he drooled over her hurt.

I saw Beast Boy as he talked to her beside the water and put a clip in her hair, that hurt too.

I watched as he cried when she left and that hurt more.

Would he cry over me? He probably wouldn't. He was the one questioning me when I joined the team. Even now he's friendlier to me but I can still see the doubt in his eyes.

Where did I go wrong? When did I develop these feeling that would never be returned? Why did I decide this team would be better for me?

Joining this team is where it went wrong, if I hadn't joined I wouldn't have fallen in love with the green boy. I wouldn't be hurting for someone who would never want me.

Looking around my room one last time, I grab my bag slinging it over my shoulder before heading out the door. Leaving the room and the tower behind.

The life of a hero wasn't for me, but I always had my past occupation to fall back on, a villain.


Running through the city late at night jumping from roof to roof. Nearly at my destination as wind blows through my hair, my eyes protected by a pitch black mask that ends above a mouth gaurd clipped around my lower face covering my nose and mouth. Wearing a black suit with black boot and gloves that are wrapped around a small device in my hand.

Almost there I think to myself as I see the rooftop nearing me. Charging over the last jump I launch myself into the air grabbing the ledge of the building with one hand and using my foot on the wall to propel myself up.

Standing there catching my breath I look around seeing no one. The device cold in my gloved hand as I run my thumb over the top of it.

Shouldn't be much longer, this is really where things end, huh?

Looking forwards again I finally see them approaching in the distance. Closing my hand back around the device thumb on top, I stand tall and wait.

"(V/N), stop right there!" Shouted Robin point toward me with a gloved finger the rest of the titans standing behind him ready to attack.

"Aw, come on Robin, that's no way to treat an old friend now is it?" I snarl playfully, a smirk playing across my lips behind my mouth gaurd.

"You're no friend, (V/N)" he snarls back causing something inside to flinch a little at his words. However, I'm not finished here yet I remind myself.

"Ouch, that hurts Robin, you mean you already forgot about me that quickly?" I hide the hurt behind a smug facade. "Maybe you need a little reminder, hm?" I question as I reach up to my eye mask removing it with one hand and tossing it to the side.

Staring at them with my bright (E/C) eyes I see them stiffen the smallest amount. I reach behind my neck with my one empty hand.



My mouth gaurd falls to the ground reveling my full face to them as they watch in horror, a wide smile pulled across my face as I raise both my arms to the side.

"SUPRISE!" I yell as I swing my hands back down to my sides, smirking across the rooftop at them. "I'm back." I say just loud enough for them to hear. And I could see that they realized what I meant, I wasn't back to join them. I was back as who I was before i joined them.

"(Y/N), you don't have to do this." Robin tried to convince me.

"Come on (N/N), this can't be what you want right?" Cyborg tried to reason with me.

"Friend (Y/N), please you must not do this, I do not wish to fight you" Starfire tried to plead with me.

"Why are you doing this?" Raven tried to talk to me.

"(Y/N), why are you like this? Why couldn't you just stay when I finally started to trust you, huh?!" Best Boy progressively got louder as he questioned me.

"I guess I really was right to doubt you." Beast Boy doubted me shaking his head shamefully. And it still hurt.

My smile fell as I stared at Beast Boy before ripping my gaze away and focusing on all of them stand in front of me like they want me to come home. I know it's a trap though, they've been chasing after me for months and even though they know it's me now. Someone still has to pay the price and I will be me.

"This is it, huh." I say blandly taking in each of them. Robin with his hands clenched at his sides looking down towards the ground. Starfire looking toward me with tears in her green eyes as she stands feet on the ground. Cyborg looking off to the side with his shoulders hunched. Raven staring at me with a faint frown her hands hanging loosely at her sides. And Beast Boy with his back facing towards me, hands clenching his arms as he holds himself.

"I- I really messed up, didn't I?" My voice breaking as I feel guilt building in me. "I'm sorry for betraying you, but being a hero isn't for me. It broke me in ways I didn't think was possible." I admit to them softly watching their reactions.

"Stop it." Beast Boy whirled back around facing me, pointing at me harshly. "You left us, you packed up and left without a single goodbye. And for what? To run back to being a villain." He stated as he stormed closer ignoring the others as they try to stop him. "They believed in you and helped you, and this is what you do?!" He yells out as he stops an arms length away. "I started to trust you and this is what you do to me?" He shakes his head in disbelief as a chuckle rumbles from his chest.

I swallow harshly as he looks back up at me, eyes wide and wild as if trying to find an answer I was hiding away from them.

"Why, huh? What was so bad?" He demands from me taking a step closer. I stare at him silently contemplating my options.

"You." I sigh out, closing my eyes and lowering my head. I let the truth fall through my lips.

"Me?" Disbelief lacing his voice causing me to left my head to face him. His eyes wide and brows furrowed, a frown plating at his lips as he moves a step back.

"I fell for you somehow, I'm not sure why. But even before I left I could still see the doubt you had in me. I watched you fall at every other option, and it hurt. It hurt so bad when I was right there, falling deeper and deeper for you as you continued to hold my past over my head and bury me in it." I let pour out as I watch him stumble back away from me.

I turn around blinking away tears taking a few steps away from them before I stop and stare down at the rooftop beneath me. Inhaling I whip back towards them with a flourish, arms spread out to my sides as a manic grin spreads over my face.

"But look at me always one step to the edge of my sanity!" I call out a laugh sneaking through my parted lips. "It was fun while it lasted Titans but of got places to be." I continue grinning as I perform a dramatic sweep of my arm holding the device in place with two finger thumb still on top to show them what it is I've got.

Grin stretching even wider as they fall into their fighting positions, I take a couple steps further back nearing the edge. Eyeing their faces of confusion with glee.

"I hope you enjoy the show Titans, consider it a final farewell!" I shout out at them one final time before pressing my thumb down and falling back off the roofs edge as the explosion booms through the city turning the sky an orange tone.

The bank they found me robbing, the same place they helped me reform, was up in bright flames as I vanish into the darkness.

Who knew one little detonator could do so much damage...

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