Twelve: Chimney Begins. Part Two.

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Back at the firehouse, Howie was sitting in the back of the ambulance, looking through a book...

Eli walked over, holding out a coffee to Howie.


"It's not personal, you know. Look, in this job, friends die and funerals are held. They're not gonna just give you their friendship until you earn their respect. They're not just protecting you; they're protecting themselves. You don't name a puppy until you know it's gonna pull through." Eli tells him.

"Oh, so in this scenario, I'm a puppy?"

"There you go." Eli said, smiling softly at him.

"You know, when I saw these guys, I just thought they're heroes; maybe I could be, too. When I saved that girl at the bar for a second there I felt, maybe for the first time ever, not heroic, just... useful. I never saw myself old, with a family, so I figured, what the hell, live fast, die young. Pull some folks through a burning building in slo-mo."

Eli laughed.

"Yeah, but that's only half the job. I mean, when you come out of that building, you got to give 'em to me. And if I let 'em die, then all that... all that effort, all that risk, it was all for nothing."

"But that's why you became a paramedic?"

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"But that's why you became a paramedic?"

"It wasn't 'cause I liked the schooling. A few years ago, I pulled a ten-year-old third-degree out of a car fire. Right? And I handed her off to some rookie M.D., who everyone said was a golden boy, and I watched him do everything wrong. She died on that scene before we left." Said Eli.

"Yeah, but for you, it's... it's not about the rush anymore? You know, the thrill?"

"If that's the question you're gonna ask after that, I am sorry in advance for the lesson you're gonna learn." Eli tells him.

The bell began ringing again.

"We got a barn burner. Mount up. You, too, probie." Gerrard said, running down the stairs and pointing his finger at Howie.

"Get in." Eli said, patting Howie's back.

Howie was sitting in the fire truck, and his heart began thumping loudly in his chest.

The firefighters climbed out of the fire truck.

"Finally." Howie whispered, staring up at the building.

"Keep moving. We need to vent this fire out. Look for weak spots so that we can cut through."

"All right, let's do it right here! Give me a hole right here!" Howie shouted.

Howie continued banging the stick against the roof, and Kevin nudged him.

They shake hands, smiling at one another.

A woman came out onto the roof, coughing violently.

"Don't move! Stay right there! Ma'am, stay right there; do not move! Stay there! No, don't move! Don't move! Don't move! Stay right there!" Howie shouted.

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