Life 6

31 4 1

Diana-"so this is Gabriel"

The man is question was a blond hair male.

M/n-"nice to meet you"

The man just sits there quietly.

Diana-"as I told you last night you two will work together on the plan ok"

Gabriel-"Fine if I must this better be worth it"

Diana-"it will, he knows a lot about chemistry"

Gabriel-"is that so, then this should be interesting"

Then Diana leaves you and Gabiral in the room together.

Gabriel-"how do you know my girl"

M/n-"when I was little she would take care of me, so I kinda owe her one"

Gabriel-"so you aren't trying to take her from me"


Gabriel-"then shall we get started"

You spent the next hour coming up with a plan.

G-"so you will take Diana home and she will ask you to stay for dinner. Then you sneak in this poison into his food and make it look like he chocked"

M/n-"that is correct"

G-"I think that this just might work, but how will we convince him that you are just a friend"

M/n-"it's as simple as me saying that I am repaying a favor from a while ago"

G-"that might work, and you have the materials"

M/n-"yes I do"

G-"I'm not going to ask why you already have them"

M/n-"there not hard to find but if we don't do this know then we will run out of time"

G-"then let's get going"

Then the two of you go to meet up with Diana.

Diana-"so you two have come up with an idea"

G-"indeed we have"

Diana-"I am trusting you on this one so shall we go"

M/n-"we shall"

You proceed to take her hand and walk her to her home.

Diana-"well this is my stop"

Then Diana's husband walks out"

-"there you are. What have I told you about going outside."

He then looks at you

Andre-"who the fuck is this. Are you cheating on me with him"

M/n-"no I simply saw her walking and she was about to get hit so I put her out of harms way"

Diana-"that's right. Oh and as a thank you why don't I bring you inside for some tea"

Andre-"I think not I'm sure he has a family to get back to"

Diana-"come on it's just tea as a thank you. Without him I probably would be very injured"

Andre-"fine you have 30 minutes any longer then that and I will kill you"

M/n-"I only intend to stay for tea"

Then Diana take you inside and sits you on the couch.

Diana-"please make yourself comfortable"

You sit there uncomfortably because Andre was just staring at you.

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