Life 4

60 2 3

After you little encounter with Sherlock and Mycroft you could tell that what you said would hang over there heads till they got it right.

Alex-"penny for your thoughts"

M/n-"yesterday I was at a small cafe and these brothers walked in and they were very good at guessing other people's lives, and when they guessed mine they seemed troubled that they got something wrong"

Alex-"oh what did they get wrong"

M/n-"they thought I had an older brother"

Alex-"then why don't we find them and prove them wrong"

M/n-"another day it's late so we should get some sleep"



Sherlock-"I'm telling you that he doesn't have a sibling"

Mycroft-"and I am telling you that he has an older sibling, you can tell by the way he stands"

Sherlock-"I can't help but feel like he's hiding something"

Mycroft-"everyone hides something brother"

Sherlock-"but I can't help but feel like it's a real big secret"

Mycroft-we will worry about this another day, for know we must get some sleep"

Totally not me writing this in the middle of class

The next you had to go to school.

Girl-"look Alex is here"


They look over to see that yes he has arrived and he is holding your hand.

Girl-"why are you touching such a looser, if you touch him for that long then you will catch his disease."

Girl2-"yeah and I know I wouldn't want anything like that"

You then let go of his hand and head off to class.

Alex-"I would appreciate if you didn't talk about my brother like that."

Girl-"but he's so ugly"

Alex-"you know I can have you kicked out of this school right"

Girl-"and why would you do that"

Alex-"I don't tolerate people bullying my brother"

Meanwhile you were walking alone.

Male-"hey it's the freak"

Male2-"why are your eyes like that"

Male3-"out of all the colors you had to go with purple"

Then Albert walks up

Albert-"know what seems to be going on here"

Male-"this doesn't concern you lord Albert"

Albert-"since m/n here is my friend it is my concern"

Male2-"how could you be friends with someone like him"

Albert-"I think he is a kind individual who wouldn't hurt a fly"

Male3-"then how do you explain this"

Pulls up his sleeve and shows multiple bruises.

Male2-"he did this to me"

Albert-"is this true"

You shake your head no.

Albert-"alright then let's get going"

Your first class is science. Of course it is your favorite class. The teacher is happy that someone is actually paying attention you know other than Albert. You could say that you are a teachers pet.

Teacher-"can anybody explain to me what the element arsenic is. You then raise your hand.

Teacher-"yes mr l/n"

M/n-"arsenic is element number 33, and is very toxic. If you consume a given amount you will die. Most people use it to kill rats."

Teacher-"that is correct, know who can tell me anything about sodium, that isn't mr l/n"

Albert then raises his hand.

Teacher-"yes mr moriarty"

Albert-"sodium is element number 11 and is used for table salt"

Teacher-"that is correct"

Then the day goes on.

Lunch time

You go outside and sit underneath a tree.

Male-"hey look it's a looser"

Girl-"I wonder what he is eating"

Male-"why don't we go check"

What you were eating was a simple, crackers meat and cheese with water.

Male-"hey can we have some"


Girl-"no, well aren't you a rude one come on let us have some"

Then they proceeded to kick over your lunch and punch you in the face.

Girl-"maybe this will teach you not to say no to us"

Male-"next time listen to us"

Then they walk off.

Albert-"you want the rest of my lunch"

M/n-"no I'll be fine I have gone through worse"

Albert-"it's fine you can have the rest."

He then sits next to you and puts his food in your lap. Then Alex comes out.

Alex-"what happened this time"

Albert-"just some people not being able to say no"

Alex-"then why don't we just do something about it already"

Albert-"I already have something in mind. I will discuss it with you later yeah"


Later with Alex

Alex-"so what is this plan of yours"

Albert-"it involves a little bit of arsenic"

Alex-"and how did you get your hands on that"

Albert-"when you are from nobility you can get most things"

Then they discuss how things will go down.
Safe to say the next day those two didn't come back to school ever again.

The next day

You and Alex had finished school and decided to walk around. While walking you bump into the one and only Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock-"oh it's you, I guess you really do have a brother"

M/n-"indeed I do"

Mycroft-"know is he older or"

M/n-"younger I'm older by 7 minutes"

Sherlock-"told you were wrong"

Mycroft-"well you were wrong too"

Alex-"I'm guessing that these were the ones you were talking about"

M/n-"indeed they are but we can continue walking"

And so you so do.

Decisions( Moriarty the patriot x m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now