The cave of scrolls and letters

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The sound of small feet running echoed along side the sound of falling rain. Soon the echo of a familiar voice sounded through the forest.

"WAIT- !"

Choi Han along with the Molan duo were chasing after the girl at quick speed.But to their surprise, they somehow couldn't catch up with her no matter what they did she'd managed to always find a way past them.

"She's fast for a girl her size..."

Ron muttered this in an annoyed tone, he had never been able to not catch a child of the girl's size and age. Not even his son Beacrox was able to get away from him in training as a child and yet this girl was able to escape from them with little to no effort.


His thoughts were interrupted when the girl threw a ball of some sort at him but before he could block it the ball exploded sending him to an abrupt halt. A burst of gas was released from the ball blinding not just him but Beacrox and Choi Han as well.


"What the hell ?!" (Choi Han)

The gas caused them to lose track of where the girl had been going and it had given them some weird rashes along with a hard time breathing. After a couple of minutes of coughing and a few swears the breathing problem seemed to have dissipated but for some unknown reason the rashes only got worse.

"What was that ?"

Beacrox examined his arms seemingly not to be surprised by the rashes. The rashes now look more like burns and blisters rather then just simple rashes. This if not treated would most likely cause them problems later on.

"We should head back..."

Ron said this with all seriousness seeming very displeased about what happened.Choi Han who normally protested only nodded his head and started heading back to their hut. Ron and Beacrox followed soot not long after but unknown to them a large pair of golden eyes had been patiently observing them from afar in the trees.

Those large eyes waited till they couldn't see the frames of the 3 tall men to step out of their hiding place. When they sensed that it was safe to reveal themselves they slowly pocked out their head and stepped off the trees branches.

A small cat with large golden eyes and silver fur steps its way out from the trees only to turn into a beautiful young girl with a poof of smoke. This same girl had been the one the three men had been after not too long ago. She then swiftly tossed back on her coat to protect herself from the now pouring rain.

'I should be able to head back without being followed now'

She thought this as she began to run once more into the opposite direction of the way she  had been running moments earlier.She soon arrived at a large waterfall which she carefully slipped behind to reach the mouth of a large cave. There were a few small drips of water that were in the front part of the cave that coursed for her coat to get wet. She paid no mind to it as she continued to walk through the cave till she reached a large pair of doors made of pure brimstone with molten rock. She then pulled out a small cube from her bag that she placed in a pedestal in-font of the door which once placed began to glow a bright blue.


The doors slowly screeched open revealing a library filled with scrolls and letters on large bookshelves carved into the cave walls. But something stood out, a handful of candles were lit near one of the bookshelves the thing was that no one else should really be there except her mother. Her guard was now up and she quietly stepped closer to the area with the candles.


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