
15 0 0

Okay, this is an authors note.
I was tired of all the cringey ones, and the good ones that made it only center around y/n being a weirdo, so I made my own 😂

So, in hogwarts, there are no uniforms. However there are houses, and you know your house colors from the merch. So like, there's Gryffindor, slytherin, huddlepuff and ravenclaw hoodies, badges and cloaks with the logo. There's also the scarves.

All classes end at 2:00 normally but if you take extra sports and classes you would end at 4:30.

Y/n will be black, half Puerto Rican,so I'm sorry if you're any other race, but you can still read if you don't mind.

But the timetable go a bit like this-

Monday_. Potions (with Slytherins)
Thirty minute free period
Break time (40 mins)
Defence against the dark arts
Lunch time (1:30)
Free Period
Literature English

Okay, you are in the year above Harry Potter and Characters like Oliver Wood, Percy Weasley, Cedric Diggory (and my oc's) Enzo Maquire, Marina Kenzara, and Jeremy Brooklyn would be aged down to the year above you. In The Weasley Twins year.

This book will be starting from third year, in Harry potters point of view. However you will be 15 in fourth year. The others are sixteen. And so on and so forth for the upper classes. Lily and James are not dead,
Sirius isn't dead, Remus is also alive and rich. They all live in a big mansion.
You are their neighbor, so you know Harry a bit well. Harry has a younger sister called Yelena. Sirius married Marlene and has a son, called Oskar Black, same year as you. Remus married an aged up Nymphadora Tonks, so now Teddie is older. In the same year as you.Voldemort is still alive , though very weak, very, very, very weak. You're a transfer student, and you came from a wizarding school in New York, called Van Houten school for the wizarding folks.
But you moved to Scotland a year before you joined Hogwarts and came home from New York to Scotland every summer break.

You joined Hogwarts in Harry's third year, so you join in your fourth year.

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