Monkey and the bandit

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We went to Oz's place to see he's far different than usual because Albert was taken.Soon someothers show up and captured Z blob.They put a device on me but it went through.I walk away but get caught. I yell "LET ME GO." The woman responds "Why do these not work on you?" I answer "I am a dream in the human world. WHAT DO YOU THINK?" Soon, my other sides show up and beat the people holding me.I run as they disappeared.I got away but felt so dizzy once I got back home.I lay in bed and after it turned dark fell asleep.

I wake up and get to the others.We spy on someone getting caught then follow behind to find more people are Albert who has Fear with him.I was so happy until I saw the ship which scared me.Zoey does her own plan and gets caught so I call upon Dragonix who tries to free her from the nightmares.We then watch as the people get brought to the ship.I say "Noo Fear." I had tears going down my face out of terror.Once they were on the nightmares turned and left.

I say with a fist "I can't lose them." Mateo shows up and the bracelets were removed from the others.We think of a plan and then do it.I get on Dragonix while the others (-Zoey) go on Z blob then go after the ship.We get shot at but luckily we got on the tail with Dragonix on my shoulder.We get inside and hide then Mateo thinks of a plan.I say "I won't need a costume since I can turn to one." I change to a nightmare and Izzie is in the costume.We head up and see the trapped dreamers, Albert,Fear and Roxie.I look at Roxie then show my arm to her showing it's me Y/n before doing the same to Fear.I also wore a strap on my arm so Izzie would know it's me.A nightmare annoys the night hunter by taunting Fear, Albert and Roxie so he hits them away and says "You fool.We only took the monkey to lure the green blob here and those 2 to lure the princess here.AND NOW YOU SHOT THEM OUT OF THE SKY."

Izzie goes to a dreamer and after some time tries to free him while I stand infront.He says "You quickly, get the others and search the ship." I ignore the rest of what he says but I say "We need to warn them." I luckily gave Cooper Dragonix so I say to Dragonix "The night hunter knows you're hear tell them." Izzie frees the dreamers then we help the others up and explain that they know we're here.

I turn back to normal and use my power to shoot at the nightmares.I say "Izzie and me will get Albert, Fear and Roxie." They deal with the nightmares while we go to save them.Albert says "Well well well. We've got ourselves a jailbreak. Nicely done Y/n and Isabel.Let's vamoose." Me and Izzie see something so we go to it.Izzie explains that's her tooth then we get caught and thrown to the others. Night hunter shows up and says "I must say it's impressive you've gotten this far.But you were fools to break into my ship without a means to escape." Mateo talks then I jump off the side and land of Dragonix who flew up and tried to help carry dreamers with Zoey and Fear.The bus shows up so we help dreamers we have inside.They use a grappling hood and more dreamers get on but the night hunter cuts it too late.The lady falls so I yell "FEAR CATCH HER." Fear got up and helped her inside with Z blob before the both of my pets shrunk and sat on my shoulders when I was inside.We fly away to safety.

The next day,me and Roxie were allowed to be members of the bureau.I say to Roxie "Are you alright?" She nods slowly then says "They tried to make me a nightmare against my will and tried controlling Fear but luckily failed." I say "I can't let him hurt my friends just for me to join him.I want dad's love and all but I don't want him to turn the dream world into a nightmare and hurt the innocent dreamers." She holds me saying "We have to do what is for the best Y/n.We have to fight him."

If Y/n was in lego dreamzzzWhere stories live. Discover now