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I spied on dad once again but this time with Roxie.We turned invisible and hid our power sents by also turning into some minions.Dad says to Night Hunter "Ooh,that old man and his band of brats keep handing you one defeat after another.There are other ways to corrupt a realm though.Perhaps not so tailored to your methods." Night Hunter seemed scared as he continued "Perhaps it's time I showed you a different side to my powers." He scares Night Hunter again but says "Oh relax,I may be the stuff of nightmares but I'm not a monster.... not yet anyway." He turn around and says "Wait for my signal and if you don't start proving your worth,I may have to reconsider the terms of our agreement." Me and Roxie then wake up and I get scared because the more I try get info the more I may become like dad....a nightmare royal.Roxie calms me down then we head to school.We avoid the others and do to usual stuff we do at home then sleep.

We spy on dad and hear about his evil plan so we leave and soon find Zoey.We then go to the cyber realm for 2 different reasons. We kind of sign in then separate.We saw the others but we couldn't talk since we were in fact trying to find dad or who he is disguised at.I summon some guardians and said "Look around for anyone suspicious.Also act and look human." They all nod then transform into humans and sign in before we split up.

Soon the world changes so I say "This is his doing." We go to where it started and I saw a kind of lightning striking everywhere.Soon some of the nightmare army shows up.They start taking dreamers and even my guardians.I wissle then they show their true forms and protect the dreamers.Soon the robot comes alive and saves us.The robot is called Burrzerker the guardian of the cyber realm.I say "Nice to meet you again guardian." She says "Nice to see you again hybrid's most loyal and skull princess." We smile then the Night Hunter appears.My head starts hurting so I fall down and hold it.Roxie knew the reason behind it and put me on her back and used her powers to attach me to her back.We then fight the annoying nightmares together with me holding a sheld and decoruption gun which can turn a Nightmare into a lightmare.

We then went to where it started to find no way in without being spotted by the corrupted.We get spotted so we fight them.Soon Izzie who was scared of losing bun bun faces her fear and helps us.We then splint us and soon the realm is saved.Me and Roxie go back to the hybrid realm.I get to my throne and transform to my true self.I get given a lot of information from my creations and I see the dreamers in my realm are very happy and safe since dad's powers can only enter my realm if it let him.I also let the dreamers make anything they wish which it fun to watch because many have creative minds.I was still worried on dad's plan so I sent some guardians to spy on him for me and to send me info.

If Y/n was in lego dreamzzzWhere stories live. Discover now