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I was in a candy dream world with some dreamers.I saw someone running from... nightmares.I say in a whisper "Nightmares. Why are they here?" I go after them to see the man is cornered.The male fights so I put my dream suit on and cover my identity.I help him fight using my dream powers.The male then says "Back Grimspawn.You have no place in the dream world." One of the nightmares who was wearing a dress and had a literal flaming head says "Um,yeah we do." It walks closer while saying "These dreamers and their imaginations belong to the nightmare king."

I laugh confusing them so they ask "What's so funny?" I respond by saying "Oh nothing except his daughter is the controller of their imagination ever since his wife died.He has no rule over them." The nightmares were shocked on how I knew that while the good guy was confused on teh nightmare king having a daughter.We continue fighting till I saw the male's dream crafting is failing.I create a sword that I had to him.He fights them with me but I soon see that he's been defeated by the night hunter.The man disappears so Night hunter then aims it at me and shoots but my darkside appears and catches it.She says "Aw~ cute arrows but they're useless against her and me when it comes to corruption." My light side appears sitting on a lollipop with one in her mouth saying "being a half nightmare is really handy isn't it?" I nod then say "It's time I leave the dream world for now.See you again Night Hunter." He was annoyed and said "We will meet again Mystery (her suit name)."

I wake up and secret go to find the guy from the dream to see he's been corrupted by a nightmare arrow.He turns to a nightmare but I luckily use my Nightmare powers to control him into handing over the hourglass before he disappeared because of the lights in the city.I hide it near some trash before turning to a shadow and getting inside my room. I luckily got inside before I was caught.I go to bed and pretend to fall asleep when really I am gaining the power energy I lost in the dream world.

The next day,I woke up,got food and headed to school.I sent my Nightmare side to spy on where the hourglass is to see if anyone picks it up and why does.Once I get to school my nightmare side says in my head "meet me in the shadows alone." I walk to where the back of the school where I see my nightmare side.She says "That ex friend of Cooper,Mateo has it." I say "He will keep it safe so nothing to worry about." She leaves so I head to class.Once done with school,I stay in my room with the lights off and talk with my other sides till dinner was ready.Once that was done I head to bed and go back into the dream world.

I spy on Mateo and Izzie l since they came back to the dream world.I knew it was Mateo's dream since the dream is to do with ones he had and has his things in.They talks for a bit then doors appear.They enter one so I follow behind them.Luckily they didn't notice me following them or watching them.We find interesting animals on the world we're on.I sit in a tree and watch them until nightmares show.I luckily ha day suit on again so I put on the mask and pulled up the hood then said "We need to go NOW." They ask "who are you?" I respond "Not right now.For now Run." We run and see nightmares turning it into a nightmare world.They then noticed us so I use my powers to attack them.We quickly hid and they lost us luckily.I say "I'm known as Mystery a loyal servant of the dream and nightmare Princess." We soon get found out my a nightmare with a cage as it's chest.I move infront of them to protect them.It tries to Swish Meteo's creature but his pencil grew and hurt the nightmare.We run away as fast as we can but we soon get cornered by more of the nightmares.Izzie asks "How do we wake up?" The nightmares attack but I manage to make them wake up with my light side's help because she turned on his phone before disappearing.

She and my dark side appear next to me and help me fight the nightmares.We then run away.I say in a whisper "You both go." They nod then disappear back into my body as I spy on the nightmares.They argue until the night hunter showed up.Once they find out all of them get into a line.The one with a shark looking head says "His darkness won't be pleased.You let a couple get away on us." I do a quiet giggle none of them heard.My darkside appears and says "You let them escape and the hunter over here had nothing to do with it weaker nightmare creatures." She then disappears and the night hunter says "Oh,I think they'll be coming back." I then look to the cage nightmare creature to see...Cooper.I show myself while giving myself away by yelling "COOPER,NO THEY GOT YOU." They look at me then the creature was about to grab me but my darkside kicked it's arm away saying "Leave the N.K's (Nightmare king's) only daughter alone." They were confused about what she ment then my fox called Mid showed up and said "You alright guardian of the nightmares and dreams?" I smile then respond with a nod before she returned to where she was.I say before they could say anything "Bye~." I disappeared and returned to reality.

I run onto Cooper's room and felt his head which felt too cold for my liking.I told our parents that he's sick or something so they went to his room and told me "Stay here and care for your brother as best you can Y/n." I nod and stay in his room luckily enough I was able to us emy powers to feed his unconscious body.I told my light side to spy on the school with my dark side. I get told later on in the day that Mateo's creature is in the real world.After school,I was still in his room but with the lights off.I ask someone "How can I save him?" It wa say darkside who says "Enter the dream world and free him." I look worried then Mateo,Izzie and Cooper's friend Logan come in. The boys argue for a bit while Izzie talks to them.I say "GUYS." They look at me to see I'm pointing at Cooper who was becoming so pale.

I say "LET'S GO GIRLS."I run and they see 2 versions of myself running behind me.I run to my room with them.We make a triangle while holding hands and going into the dream world again but this time to save Cooper.I entered the dream and followed the cage nightmare creature who has Cooper.

If Y/n was in lego dreamzzzWhere stories live. Discover now