(Y/n)'s magazine went dry shortly after. He lets out a small sigh after seeing the bullet holes on the target, then looks to the side, watching the red-eyed Construct approaching him in a moderate pace. He turns his gaze back to his rifle, removed the empty magazine, and dry fired it a few times before setting it down on the table.

Lucia looks at the targets, and noticed the tight groupings. Although not all of them hit the very bullseye, she still thought that it was impressive. "Good shot, Commandant."

"Thanks." The Ranger smiled. "Gotta make sure that my marksmanship is still on top, you know?"

Lucia hummed. "That's understandable."

"So... Why are you looking for me? We're currently on standby, so we have no missions for us."



Lucia snapped out of her trance. "Sorry, Commandant."

"It's fine, don't worry about it." (Y/n) said. He inserts the empty magazine back to the magwell and slung it onto his back. "Shall we head back? I want to have some breakfast at the chow hall."

Lucia simply nodded.

On their way back, Lucia suddenly remembered his words back on the spacecraft.

"Not to me."

"I'm not like your previous commanders who are reckless about your lives. You, Lee, and Liv are important to me, so don't say anything like that, okay?"

"But if you're still angry at me, I'll make it up to you."

"But if you're still angry at me, I'll make it up to you."

'He'll make it up to us...?' Lucia echoed that specific part. But what does she want from him? She hadn't thought about anything until now. She went in for several options, but there's one that stood out. She looked at (Y/n) for a bit, then mustered up the courage to ask him. "Commandant, do you still remember your promise to us yesterday?"

"Of course I do." (Y/n) smiled. "Thought you'd never ask."

"Can we... go shopping?" Lucia uttered. (Y/n) looked at her, and she immediately thought that he might've gotten the wrong idea, so she quickly went to clear the misunderstanding. "W-with the team, of course...!"

He chuckles at her, amused by her response, causing her to blush. "Sure. Let's have breakfast at the Shopping Centre instead of the chow hall so we can enjoy different delicacies there."

"I just need to change quickly, Commandant." Lucia said.

"Sure. Tell the others we'll meet at the Shopping Centre."

"You're not gonna change your clothes, Commandant?"

"I'm just gonna remove my vest and upper uniform. A simple black t-shirt is fine."

"Understood. We'll see you there, Commandant."


Babylonia - Shopping Centre
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
0725 Hours

The mood within the Shopping Centre was pretty much lively. Constructs and human personnel and civilians were roaming around the various shopping areas, buying foods and other stuff for either their personal use, for their boyfriends and girlfriends, or for their families. Standing among the crowd is (Y/n) himself, wearing a plain black t-shirt, black tactical pants, and a pair of combat boots.

A Ranger's Journey (PGR x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora