Chapter 31: Family Drama

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I don't know how long I was sobbing on the filthy floor of my brother's room, but all I can say is I needed it.

My eyes were red and puffy, and my head was not helping it. But one thing is for sure, I don't like my mother. She deceived me. She ignores my freedom over hers. She seeks wealth out of me instead of seeking it on her own.

Most importantly, she doesn't see me as her daughter.

That woman doesn't know the trauma and guilt she places on my shoulder. I can never go back and see her the caring, respectful, funny mother I knew of when I was a kid.

"You're good?" Victor whispered to me, never leaving my side as I cried in front of him. But it was normal for me to do this with him.

When we were young, being the eldest children our parents had in their young lives in America, we witnessed them grow up and become adults with us. We saw them struggle, argue, and fight just to live in this country.

So me crying and seeking Victor for help is a normal thing.

"Y-yeah..." I quietly said. I bring my knees closer to my chest, resting my lips on them. I stare into their room, trying to forget the loud noises outside of this room.

I don't know why papá stood up for me against mamá. That's like a death sentence to stand up against her. Yet...he did. He was willing to take the hits if he knew it meant going against his wife for his child.

I guess I'm happy for that. But I hope they don't fix their problems like this anymore. I want them to hear one another instead of arguing with each other like aggressive dogs.

"Damn. When will they shut up? Maybe I should go and help out." Victor sighs, about to get up.

I shake my head, staring at the room instead of him. "No. If you do, she might make you regret it. It's like she knows our lives but doesn't tell us."

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Victor asks, going back to sitting next to me. I sigh, looking down at my old socks.

"She was wondering why I kept coming home with bruises and looking tired after work. I lied and said it was my extracurricular, but she didn't care about it anymore. She doesn't want me to go."

"Huh? Why would she do that? It never bothered her before. Especially the money portion." He said, agree with him.

"It's because of Mr. Akiyama. He's been encouraging her about this marriage that I'm so fuckin' ready to end! Can't she see how unhappy I am about this?! I don't want to do this anymore! That's why I'm doing everything I can to end it but she doesn't see that! Why can't she see me?! Why does she listen to money over her daughter?!"

Great, the tears are rolling again. I sigh, huff and just groan in anger of this life. I can't deal with her anymore. I don't only want to leave this marriage, but this family as well.

I hate to say it, but the pain is all I feel right now. "I feel so hopeless right now, Victor. I can't do this anymore. I want to run away and never look back at this family anymore. Not if she is running it." I whine to him, wiping my tears.

He chuckles, nodding his head. "I can agree."

"Boy. You know you can leave this house quicker than any of us. I'm waiting for that day to happen." I said, meaning it down my heart. This boy needs to leave so I can leave. If not, leaving for me will be so much harder.

"Yeah,'s hard to leave a place you love and hate. I love this family, but sometimes I hate how this family treats one another. I feel like we need to have a talk—without us yelling at each other like seals—and hear one another."

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