RidgeClan allegiances

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A/N: This is for the allegiances of RidgeClan


Deputy: Antlerstrike: Large dark brown tabby tom with green eyes

Medicine cat(s):


Frostytail: White she-cat with grey ears and yellow eyes

Petalcloud: Pale cream she-cat with a few white patches and bright green eyes

Skyfrost: Mostly white she-cat with cream tabby patches with dark brown stripes, blue eyes

Pebbletail: Pale brown and white tom with blue eyes

Willowshade: Brownish-grey tabby she-cat with white face markings, chest, underbelly and bright green eyes

Whitepatch: White tom with a dark grey patch on the back of his head and ears, dark blue-grey eyes

Oakwhisker : Pale brown tom with a white throat , slightly paler underbelly and blue eyes

Petalcloud: Pale cream she-cat with a few white patches and bright green eyes

Willowshade: Brownish-grey she-cat with white face markings , chest, underbelly, and bright green eyes

Bramblebreeze: Dark brown and white tabby tom with reddish-brown stripes, bright green eyes
(NPC )

Mistshade: Light grey tom with  white face markings, chest, underbelly, and feet, dark grey ears, brownish orange eyes

Robinpatch: Pale reddish-brown she-cat with a pale underbelly, ginger ears, white throat, front paws, hind feet and bright green eyes

Slatefoot: Long-legged dark grey and white she-cat with deep blue eyes

Oasistail : Long-haired grey-black tom with fluffy tail ,darker color point markings,  golden-hazel eyes
(TrappedInTheVoid )

Tansystep: Black tabby she-cat with a white chest and tailtip, golden eyes

Falconfeather: Silver tom with darker speckles and striking blue eyes
( NPC)

Goldenflame: Pale golden tabby she-cat with a white patch on her chest and amber eyes

Doveleg: Long-legged white and grey tom with pale green eyes


Emeraldpaw: Black she-cat with green eyes
( Flareongirl360 )

Goldpaw: Golden-brown tom with amber eyes
(Flareongirl360 )

Blazepaw: Cream-ticked tabby tom with reddish-brown markings and white paws, orange eyes

Diamondpaw: White and black tom with blue eyes
(NPC) ( Owned by Flareongirl360 )

Pearlpaw: Mottled brown she-cat with amber eyes
(NPC) (Owned by Flareongirl360 )

Whorlpaw: Long-furred dark grey tom with black  swirling tabby stripes, a white chest and two paws, greenish-amber eyes

Jadepaw: Black she-cat with messy fur and dull green eyes
(NPC) ( Owned by Flareongirl360 )

Greypaw: Long-furred pale grey she-cat with a white chest, front legs, paws, muzzle and nose bridge , slightly darker ears and pale amber eyes

Nightpaw: Long-furred black she-cat with a white muzzle , chest and paws, dark amber eyes

Stainedpaw: White she-cat with blue spots and black streaks, dark green eyes

Queens and kits:

Nectardapple: Long-haired light grey and brown spotted tabby she-cat with a white muzzle, chest and paws, amber eyes. Mother of Falconfeather's kits:
Ashkit: Very pale grey shekit with  slightly darker tabby markings , amber eyes
Breezekit: Light brown tabby tomkit with near black markings and white paws, green eyes
Tigerkit: Fiery orange long-haired tomkit with dark brown tabby markings , amber eyes
Willowkit: Long-haired silver shekit with a few white and brown patches , green eyes


Leafclaw: Dark brown tuxedo tom with some small white patches on his face and tail, amber eyes.  He also has a badly twisted limb. ( Retired early due to the injury) 
(Persony_person )

Mates & crushes:

💗 - Crush

💘 - Mates without kits

💞 - Mates with kits / Expecting

💔 - Broken up

Falconfeather x Nectardapple ( 💞)

Mentors & apprentices:

     Frostytail - Blazepaw

Bramblebreeze - Goldpaw

Robinpatch - Jadepaw

Mistshade - Pearlpaw

Oakwhisker - Emeraldpaw

Willowshade - Diamondpaw

Goldenflame - Nightpaw

Doveleg - Whorlpaw

Slatefoot -Greypaw

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