I stared at the hotel attendant who was holding the elevator door, stopping it from closing.

"I'm... I'm gonna go down, thank you." I didn't notice that the elevator reached the lobby again as I was occupied by what happened last night.

Scratch that! Scratch that!

I cannot have that in my head while I dine with Alex's parents.

"There you are!" I was startled when someone tapped my shoulder from behind.


"What took you so long, Babe?"

She held me in my elbow and guided me to the restaurant. But before we go inside I stopped her.

"I'm nervous, Alex. Like really nervous!"

"Why?" Her eyebrows furrowed, studying my face.

"Because... it's so sudden, Alex. I mean, I'm not ready to meet your parents yet..."

"Cara..." She cut me off. "I'm not introducing you to my parents as my, you know. I just want you to meet them and for them to meet you too. We could be friends in front of them if that will relax you, okay?" Alex let out a soft laugh as I released the air I think I have been holding ever since I left her suite this morning.

"Okay, okay! Thank you."

As a response, Alex squeezed my hand and we both proceeded inside.

But before we reached the table where her parents at, she spoke.

"By the way, Brian and his parents are also joining us."

Whatever I was gonna say stayed in my head as the table they were occupying came into view and all of them were looking at us.

Alex's parents, Brian, and his parents.

As soon as we reached their table, Brian stood up.

"Hi, Hon!" He greeted me as he kissed me on my cheek.

I don't know how wide my eyes were with the gesture he just made.

Hon? What is he doing?

Automatically, I looked at Alex who was standing on my other side. She looked surprised by just one second and the next, her face was devoid of any emotion.

"Hi, Cara. I'm glad to meet you again!" Brian's Mom told me smiling so wide I think it reached her ears.

"Me too, Mrs. Thompson," I answered her politely.

"Ohh, please, call me Martha, you're too formal." She said with still a smile painted on her lips. I reciprocated it and nodded at her.

"Uhm, Dad, this is Cara." Brian introduced me to his Dad.

Mr. Thompson, stood up holding his hand out to shake mine.

"It's great to finally meet you, Cara. Henry Thompson, dear. You know, I've heard a lot about you, Not from Brian but from my wife, but still." He said meaningfully as I accepted his hand.

"Ohh, uhm, great to meet you, Sir." I said awkwardly.

"And Cara, this is Aunt Agatha and Uncle George, Al's parents."

We exchanged polite greetings before Brian pulled the chair beside him, held me on my waist, and guided me to be seated. As Alex sat on my other side, her eyes were on Brian's hand.

"So, Cara, how was it in the company? Is my daughter giving you a hard time over there?" Agatha was looking at me intently as the corner of her lips twitched.

I looked at Alex who was glaring at her Mother.

"No, Ma'am, she was not. I am honestly enjoying my time in the company, the people were great, as your daughter." I told her smiling.

"Oh well, I probably heard the wrong information then. But I'm glad to hear that." She looked at Brian, then Alex before looking at me with the same smile.

"I'm sorry." Alex leaned over to me and whispered.

I squeezed her thigh under the table, "It's fine."

The conversation centered around me as Brian made sure to make it about me by telling everybody how I do at work, how the people like me and find me helpful, and much more stuff like that.

From time to time his hand would be on my waist or would serve me some dishes on the table while conversing with the others.

I kept quiet as it was actually making me uncomfortable but made sure to smile every time I heard the mention of my name.

I think my jaw hurts from non-stop smiling.

I know Alex is getting pissed by Brian's action, it was like, he was indirectly telling all these people that I was his girlfriend.

I would squeeze her thigh whenever I would see her clenching her jaw just to calm her. She would then place her hand on top of mine to let me know she was fine.

God, can this breakfast be over now?

I feel like, it was Brian who invited me for breakfast and not Alex.

Alex would only speak whenever a question was thrown at her. It was mostly Brian who was driving our table, it's annoying.


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