raison d'etre

24 4 52

Fierce furore over frivolous facade
Fending and feigning, folding for farce
Fear and folly, the fulcrum of fight
Finesse and forgiveness finite
Figments of hope fade in fiery fragments
Fathomable fall from a feverish fissle
Fumbling to a feeble finality sadly foregone

Fiah glanced around turning her attention from the whiteboard back to the target audience for which the poem was prepared for. But the end results were perplexing.


Fiah scanned the surroundings and stood motionless for what could've been 200000 milliseconds and 400 nanoseconds. 

This was not the outcome that Fiah was predicting. Double checking, the results were still the same. The audience were not receptive to the work on display, asserted by the condition that more than 80% of registered faces from the iris scanners were looking elsewhere. This was not the case yesterday or the week before when Fiah had written similar word structures for the attention of her audiences. 

Smile=20, Attention=3 Total 23 Previous Highest: 10 Faces recognized:33. Success=69.7 Pattern=repeat_alphabet

Fiah had remembered a greater quantifiable decibels of excitement which had a variable weight of 50 and this work was a guaranteed improvement over the previous attempt.  Fiah decided to investigate the anomaly as the 100 cm tall human came into view in proximity. Fiah knew that the human was named Ben from the register. He had attended 70% of the scheduled classes. 

 After being the subject of his glance over a slightly more than normal level of time, he was not paying much attention, speaking to couple of other humans in the vicinity. Fiah saw him using a pencil, applying strokes over a 210x297mm canvas recognizing an image of a Parrot in them. The colors were shabby with it spilling over the outline in a way Cohen Sutherland and Liang Barsky would need to work overtime to detect the coordinates of.


This was the first occurrence where a decrease in precision attribute led to increase of attention attribute which was opposite to the results prior. Fiah proceeded to observe the other inattentive humans and to see what they were occupied at. 

"This machine is no good, where's Ms. Sherry?" Ben's closest friend Rose was complaining. "It is no fun... at all."

Fiah learned that the word 'machine' carried a negative connotation from the NLP routine before expressing, "The name is Fiah, children. How many times should I tell you?"

The children appeared lost for words. It freaked them out. "It speaks.. like Ms. Shelley too. It's the same voice!"

"Isn't it cool?" One of the kids approached Fiah trying to touch. She appeared to contemplate acting on it, but decided to back away. 

"She? It? Whatever, this is not real Ms.Sherry. It's not the same. I'm going home. This is boring." One of the kids opined. 

"What about we play hide and seek back over at our tents?" Answer was a resounding yes, to Ben's question.

The kids proceeded to abscond from the class as Fiah turned and went back to the white board.

"You hurt her feelings," The girl chided Ben.

"Can it even feel?" Ben retorted.

The children stopped bickering for some time as Fiah started writing on the board. Couple of the boys had already left. Ben stood there for some time to humor the offended girl. "Let's see what it can do."

When Fiah finished after a minute, the children were surprised to see a drawing of a puppy playing with a toy. 

"That's cute Fiah. You are amazing" The girl squealed. 

"That is cute Fake Ms.Sherry. But we are going. You can stay here if you want to. We won't let you in for the game when you come back." Ben said to the girl before leaving.

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