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There is no grand scheme for anything
If I had a penny for each of my thoughts
If I ever claimed to have manifested at all
Wouldn't be crawling at the bottom of the barrel
Running errands for someone's luxurious apparel
Always seething with an unbridled rage
Of the system that took and never gave

In pursuit of a feeling that could never be attained
Looking outward and all over the place
Each and every effort, despite hardships look pale
With a maverick or a crook every which way
Anxious if everything would ever fall into place
Would dare to drag anybody down with my pace
For if I could never muster the courage to face
There isn't going to be anybody to save my face

There are a few tricks that I'll need to ace
Even when the numbers flatline like a dead pulse
A glimmer of trust, instinct and impulses
For reason prevails over all miracles
Head steady, in the game, neither low nor high
Focus and resolve balancing a probability play
Preparing for the worse keeps chances at bay
There's probably nothing much to say
Other than some pretentious ponderings
In an uneventful day

Pretentious PonderingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora