larry x male!reader hcs

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summary: hes with larry and his bf!!!! + the rest of the group >-<
cw(s): lowercase intended, pretend grunk is visiting tgc okay, typos :c
pronouns: he/him larry + reader (not said but intended)

-meeting the group-

* oh em gee the group was so excited to meet you for the first time like omg!1!-!-! (mestly grunk and tanner)

* you were first introduced to nick and tanner and they were absolutely the sweetest people you've ever met

* isaac was very excited to meet you and was proud of larry for finally finding a partner

* yumi just called you gay- jkjk yumi was very happy to meet you and was also proud of larry for finding a partner

* grunk was probably the most excited to meet you, greeting you at the front door and showing you around the house

- willy vlogs/isaac videos-

* at first you were semi-hesitant to be in willy vlogs but with larry and nick giving some pep talks you agreed and soon enough you were the fan fav of the willy vlogs! 1!1'

* larry loooooooooves showing you off to the group and to the willy vlogs like omfg its kinda anneying tbh

* isaac had invited you to do Itlvc3 and you were once again hesitant about it but larry had convinced you to join 

* during it you were like the 5-6th person to get out due to tiredness and boredom, before you got out larry was your biggest cheerleader and was rooting for you

* everytime larry went somewhere with nick for a vlog you were right behind him

* in some parts you would work the camera, not showing your face, and sometimes larry would take the camera from you and just show off your beauty

-you + larry-

* you and larry are just two balls of sunshine when together omI

* if you love physical touch good lordy larry is the person for you

* he's always up on you, touching you in some way (NOT SEXUALLY!1!!1!)

* no matter what your doing hes either standing next to you holding your hand or having his arms wrapped around your waist with his face in your back, breathing in your natural scent

* if your not a big fan of physical touch larry respects that

* if your okay with it hes hold your hand most of the time and sometimes even cuddle up next to you

* if you return the hugs/cuddles he just melts into you like your a heater and he's an icecream cone

* if your love language is gift giving good lordy your in for a ride

* larry just loves receiving gifts and no matter what you give him he always gets something better for you

* if your more into words of affirmation he's onto it!! every second of each day he just tells you how beautiful you are, even if he's said it about a thousands times he tells you it every single day.

* loves when you return the compliments too like especially in the morning when your greeting him and he just hears your deep raspy voice call him pretty boy' or "handsome omi he melts

* if your into quality time larry is also your guy!!

* he loves spending time with you like he wants to spend every breathing second with you

* if your busy with something? he's waiting on your bed or beside you until your done!

* not wanting to hang out or talk to anyone? he's waiting until your ready and if you need his help he's on his way!

* if your love language is acts of service hes not the biggest on it but he'll try his best!

* he more into receiving acts of service more so of giving. the reasen being his height.

* if you ask him to a simple task he's on it!

-relations to the group-

* tanner and grunk are your bsf. like they are your ride or dies

* if larry's busy with something or he's out of town your hanging out with tanner or grunk (if he's there)

* your also really close with nick since he was the first introduced to you! if just you and him are filming a willy vlog (which is most-unlikely) every five minutes you guys are giggling about something stupid

* you and isaac are semi-close like you guys talk from time to time but you guys are best friends ykwim?

* you and yumi have a love hate relationship. one second you guys are talking about a video game then your fighting over who's better at siege

* larry finds it hilarious when you and yumi fight. hes recorded a few of them and posted then on tiktok just for you and yumi to bully him (lovingly) until he takes them down

* overall your super close with the rest of the group and if any of them died. you'd go with them

words: 812 :)

the group fart oneshots (discontinued!!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora