P O M N I ?

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The red and blue clothed jester panicked as they noticed their new surroundings.

This wasn't their desk.

The cheerful theme-song of the circus came to an abrupt stop as the Brunnete Jester bumps into the yellow-toothed rabbit.

The rabbit grumbled and let out a sigh of frustration as everyone fell over.

" Caine, is this one of your NPCs or is this a new sucker. Cause if it's a new character, we're gonna have to re-do this whole theme song! "

The purple rabbit grinned.

" Yeah, I'm not doing that again. " A figure with multiple pieces making up their body scoffed.

" My my! It appears a new human has entered this realm! " The figure with Dentures, who the Jester assumes is  'Caine' says with a cheery, announcer-like tone.

That didn't help.

" How do I take this- headset off!? " The jester says with a panicked tone, grabbing at a now non-existent force.

" Just keep grabbing at it, worked for everyone. " The Rabbitoid says with a sarcastic tone.

"Hey, Hey hey! Calm down and don't fret, you'll further injure your little head!" You spoke as you approached the Jester with a smile, placing a hand on their head to try and calm them down.

The Jester Flinches for a moment before calming down a little.

Your touch was oddly comforting to them.

" Where am I..? What is this place..? Wh- Who are you people?!"

The brunette jester says, backing away from everyone... but you.

" Lets try to calm down newbie, take a deep breath and clear your mind for a little! We've all been through this. " 

Ragatha says as she approaches the jester, who hides behind you.

The ragdoll looks at the jester with a small and barely noticable glare but walked back to the others.

" Alright, just do as Ragatha said, ok? Calm down and we'll all explain the situation, ok? " You smiled.

The Jester could hear your key turn because of the silence and of how close they were to you.

"Do you remember what happened before you got here?" Ragatha asks the Jester.

The Jester glares ever so slightly at the ragdoll as Ragatha steps closer to you.

The Jester had no idea why they felt the way they did about you.

After all, the Jester only met the wind-up doll, so why is she like this?

" All I remember is putting on some weird headset and now I'm .... here. "

The jester in red and blue says, trying to sound calm.

" Who are you people? Why can't I take it off ?! "

The jester says as she stomps a foot.

" You my friend, have stumbled upon a world of wonder, where anything can happen! " Caine says with an enthusiastic tone. Was he always this happy?

" Ok- cool.... how do I... you know-- leave..? " The jester says, now hiding behid your figure, tugging on your umbrella prop.

" Well, don't freak out or anything but... we don't exactly-- "

Ragatha gets cut off by the purple rabbit.

" You can't ! " Jax says with his usual smug grin, loking at the jesters smaller figure.

" What the [ $@?! ] Does that mean?! "

The Jester panicked, before her confusion becomes evident

" What the--?! " They say with a suprised and yet still scared tone.

" Now Now Now My dear! We can't have any of that Foul Language here! "

Caine scolds the Jester.

" The Amazing Digital Circus Is a place to be enjoyed by all ages! "

Caine Continued.

" You my friend, have stumbled upon a world full of wonder, where anything can happen! E- Except... for swearing... "   Caine says as he glances around.

" I- cool but well... how do I... y'know.... leave....? "

The Jester asks, causing everyone to go quiet.

" Well.... don't freak out or anything.... but-- " The red-haired Ragdoll gets cut off by the Purple Rabbit.

" You can't ! " The rabbit grinned.

" Shut it Jax. " You and Zooble say in almost perfect sync.

" Sadly, our friend Jax is correct, Little Jester. This is the outcome of certain actions that include that headset. "

You sighed, trying to offer comfort by patting the Jester's head.

The Jester stays by you as they try not to burst out in complete panic.

" Oh! Now I get it! This is a dream! And I should just play along until I wake up, right?! "   The Jester laughs nervously as she spoke, almost everyone now feeling sorry for the new character.

" Whatever you say Kid. " The Rabbit smiled.

Once more your key slows down, your movements becoming slower and slightly more frozen.

And with that your key stopped, and so did you.

[ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ]

'Pomni' helped by turning your key, but you weren't able to respond properly due to her turning it the wrong way.

Pomni tries not to smile as they continued to try and help.

Unlike anyone else she actually knew.... you were kind, you were loving, you were caring.

  So she might as well try and keep you while she's trapped here.

Maybe take you to the outside world with her.

You'd never really know.

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