Chapter Four: Allah's plan

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As Zariah and I made our way through the lively corridors of the King of Prussia Mall, the bustling atmosphere was infectious. It was the perfect place for a carefree shopping day.

We strolled past our favorite stores, our laughter and lively chatter attracting the occasional curious glance from fellow shoppers. Our destination for the day was simple: I wanted to find a stunning new abaya for the upcoming sisters' brunch, and Zariah was on the hunt for more black hijabs to add to her collection.

The mall was abuzz with people, and as we weaved our way through the crowd, the sense of excitement and anticipation grew. Little did we know that our day would soon take an unexpected turn.

I paused in front of The Ummah Shop renowned for its elegant Islamic fashion. My eyes were fixated on a beautifully crafted abaya displayed in the store's window, its intricate embroidery and flowing silhouette calling out to me. I was lost in admiration when Zariah tapped me on the shoulder.

"Amiyah, isn't that Taheer?" she asked, her voice laced with surprise.

I turned to follow Zariah's gaze, and there, in the distance, I saw him—Taheer. He was deeply engrossed in conversation with a woman. Their animated exchange was clear from their gestures and expressions. But what left me dumbfounded was when Taheer leaned in, his hand resting gently on the woman's pregnant belly—a tender, affectionate gesture that spoke volumes.

My heart sank, and a whirlwind of emotions swept over me as I watched him hug two identical little girls who stood beside him. Twins, no older than three, clung to him with an undeniable sense of familiarity. Taheer's face radiated fatherly pride, and his laughter filled the air as he playfully interacted with the girls.

Zariah and I exchanged perplexed glances. We had no inkling that Taheer was a father, let alone that he was married and expecting a child.

Although we couldn't hear their conversation, it was evident that Taheer was fully immersed in this family moment. The woman beside him wore a contented smile, her hand resting on her burgeoning baby bump.Taheer's gaze suddenly shifted in our direction, locking eyes with me briefly. I instinctively grabbed Zariah's hand and swiftly retreated, moving out of his line of sight.

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of the situation. I had assumed that Taheer was pursuing me with marriage intentions. This unexpected revelation painted an entirely different picture.

As we continued to watch discreetly, I couldn't help but entertain a thought that sent a shiver down my spine: What if Taheer was looking for a second wife, and this woman was his initial wife? The idea didnt seemed far-fetched and the evidence before my eyes was undeniable.

Zariah whispered, breaking the silence, "Should we go over and say hello?"

I hesitated, torn between curiosity and the need to process my emotions. Eventually, I shook my head and replied, "No, let's not interrupt. It seems like a private moment."

With a sigh, we continued our journey through the mall, our earlier excitement replaced by a mix of confusion, realization, and a lingering uncertainty about Taheer's intentions.

As we passed the boutique window with the elegant abaya, I couldn't help but wonder if my search for the perfect husband had just become even more complicated.

Zariah stopped me "Amiyah, should you talk to Taheer? I mean, he never mentioned any of this to you, right?"

My brow furrowed as I grappled with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. "Honestly, Zariah, I'm at a loss here. This whole situation is just so unexpected. But then again, he never made that crucial call to my father, the proper way to initiate marriage discussions. Maybe he wasn't as serious as he seemed." My intuition had proven to be on point, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and disappointment. I hadn't invested too much in him, which was good, but a part of me had secretly hoped and prayed for a valid reason behind his failure to contact my father.

Zariah nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "True, he's had plenty of time to make his move."

With a heavy sigh, I finally spoke, "Let's not approach him, Zariah. It's clear that he has a lot going on in his life, and he hasn't made any real effort to marry me. We plan and then Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners."

Zariah offered a reassuring pat on my shoulder. "You're absolutely right, sis. It's his loss, so let's just forget about him. Besides, his beard wasn't even all that," she quipped, trying to lighten the mood. I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, silently admitting to myself, "Well, it actually was."

As we continued our shopping adventure, I couldn't help but wonder if there was someone out there who was truly meant to be a part of my life, someone who would come into it in a more straightforward and honest way.

With our shopping bags in hand and our hearts still a bit heavy from the unexpected revelation about Taheer, Zariah and I made our way through the bustling mall. The sounds of laughter, the aroma of various cuisines, and the vibrant atmosphere attempted to lift our spirits.

As we walked, our conversation turned towards lighter topics, and we found ourselves giggling and sharing anecdotes about our families and the upcoming sisters' brunch. It was a much-needed diversion from the complex emotions that had consumed us earlier.

In the midst of our laughter and conversation, I failed to notice the tall, handsome brother approaching from the opposite direction. Our paths collide, and suddenly, I found myself tangled in a collision with a complete stranger.

"Oops, I'm so sorry," I exclaimed, trying to regain my balance and quickly straightening my abaya.

The collision had caused my shopping bags to scatter, their contents spilling onto the mall floor. It was a mess, and I couldn't help but feel flustered.

"Assalamu Alaikum," Abdullah greeted as he bent down to pick up the scattered items. His strong, capable hands gathered my belongings with ease, and as he stood up to return them, our eyes met.

"Here you go," he said, handing me my bags with a gracious smile.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam," Zariah and I replied in unison.

"Thank you" as I retrieved my bags from his hands.

Abdullah's striking features took me by surprise. His warm, brown eyes were framed by long, dark lashes, and his beard was meticulously groomed. His smile was both friendly and charming, and for a moment, I was caught off guard.

"I'm Abdullah," he introduced himself.

"I'm Zariah, and this is..." Zariah nudged me playfully, prompting me to continue, "Amiyah. My name is Amiyah," I introduced myself.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both," he declared, offering another genuine smile directed at me. "Alright then, take care."

As Abdullah's steps gradually carried him farther away from us, Zariah and I couldn't help but exchange delighted glances. Our excitement bubbled up, and we couldn't contain our giddy enthusiasm.

"Friendly but not too friendly...I like it..Taheer who?" Zariah teased with a playful tone that held a hint of mischief.

I responded with a wide grin, sharing in her amusement, "Come on, girl, let's go grab something to eat. I'm in the mood for something sweet."

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