Ch 2.

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Ravan POV

School today was weird, I felt like I was travelling on uncharted waters. Luckily, Gael and I had agreed to meet at the Pancake Parlour in the city for an hour after school. Even though we usually just spent time at each other's houses, I was looking forward to spending time ranting to him about school so that I could destress and forget about all the drama.

I got on the tram by myself as Gael had a spare class last so he had left school earlier. To block out the rhythmic mechanical noise and quiet chatter of the tram, I slipped my wireless earphones out of their cases and put them both in my ears, turning the volume up on my favourite artist, Billie Eilish. The 30 minute tram ride into the city passed by quite quickly with the music in my ears, the swaying of the tram lulling me into a peaceful thoughtlessness.

Speeding through the streets in my hideously uncomfortable uniform, I got to the Pancake Parlour 10 minutes later to see Gael talking the waitresses' ear off. If I had to take a guess, he was probably talking about either playing instruments or asking the waitresses about her life. Approaching the pair, they were, as I had predicted, animatedly talking about playing the trombone.

Gael was too focused on his conversation, so much so that he completely ignored me as I sat down next to him. I didn't really mind. I wasn't much of a social butterfly anyway. I knew what to say and how to talk to people when needed but I tried my best not to. Gael understood this so he usually did most of the talking, leaving me to listen in companionable silence. I listened absentmindedly to the conversation Gael was having, waiting patiently for him to finish.

"The other day, I was playing my trombone and I smelt maple syrup," he was saying. "It made me think of this place and how much I craved pancakes so I dragged my friend here after school to eat some."

"That's lovely to hear," the waitress replied, seemingly happy to talk to someone so enthusiastic. "I also play the trombone in my free time, we should play together sometime! Are you ready to order now?" She asked.

"Oh yes! Sorry, I didn't realise that Ravan had arrived yet!" Gael replied, turning to shoot me an apologetic grin. I shrugged and returned the smile.

"I'll have a hot fudge sundae please miss, thank you" I said. Gael ordered the Alice Wonderland pancakes and the waitress promised that she would return soon with our food.

As I retold my hectic day with Rylan and Rowan to Gael, I could see the facial expressions on his face ranging between awe at how Rowan caught my books and disgust at how Rylan reacted to what happened with Rowan. When I finished, he immediately shook his head and opened his mouth to talk. I braced myself.

"Gurl, your Iron deficiency got the best of you. There's no way Rowan's eyes changed colours. It's impossible. You should get it checked out. It is kinda creepy but in a sort of hot way though. In the world of Rylan though, just ignore him, he's a dick RayRay! No matter how popular he is, it can't make up for an actual personality, you are soooooo much better than him!"

"I guess you're right Gael, but I'm still so confused!" I replied with a huff, frustrated.

"It's alright RayRay, you'll see this will blow over soon." Gael reassured me, giving me a big hug. I leaned into it gratefully as the waitress returned with our pancakes. I was just inhaling the first delicious bite when Gael suddenly grabbed my arm, seeming to remember something suddenly.

"Omigod! Ravan, I can't believe I haven't told you yet. You will not be able to guess who invited me to a party later tonight! Marqus Freaking Delegate!! AAAAHHH! I think I'm in love!" He squealed. I felt a jolt of excitement for him as well. Marqus had been Gael's crush for years and his loud, flamboyant personality always seemed to dissolve when they were together, turning him into a nervous, stuttering mess.

"Really?! Wow you are going to have so much fun. Make sure to send pics of you two drunk!" I teased. Gael turned to give me an incredulous look, hand pressed to his chest in mock affront.

"Uhm, excuse me bestie, but you have to come too. I need my emotional support friend for this type of situation, you remember what happened with Edmund Major."

I groaned and rolled my eyes at the memory. "Don't bring up that disaster, you know how much of an ick he gave me. Marqus isn't like him, you'll be fine. You know I don't go to parties either so no."

Gael looked at me with pleading eyes, grabbing my arm and squeezing it. "Come on RayRay! It'll be fun! It's about time you have a night out, it's been months! Besides, guess who will be there..... Rowan!!! It'll be perfect!" He wheedled. I couldn't deny that the name still made my heart jolt. Despite his strange behaviour earlier that day, I couldn't deny that the prospect of seeing him was still exciting.

"I'll think about it. Who's house is it at anyways?" I asked.

"...Uh Rylan's," Gael replied, then, seeing the look on my face, wrinkled his nose in disgust. I shook my head vigorously.

"Nope, No Way, Not after what happened today." I insisted, though my protests were useless. Gael had clearly already made up his mind.

"You have no choice. I'll pick you up at 8:30. Be ready or I'll dress you myself!" He threatened. I snorted a laugh and went back to my pancake, planning out what
I would wear in my head.

~~Time Skip~~

Gael arrived at 8:32. I opened the door and noticed that my pastel pink tulle mid-thigh dress had unintentionally matched his pink suit. We both stared at each other for a second and then burst out into laughter.

(Gael's Below, Ravan's Above)

Gael immediately steered us in the direction of the kitchen, where the leftover red cups and various bottles could be seen strewn over the marble benchtops

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Gael immediately steered us in the direction of the kitchen, where the leftover red cups and various bottles could be seen strewn over the marble benchtops.

"LET'S GET THIS GIRL SOME VODKA!!!!!" Gael announced to no one in particular, pouring us both a large helping.

While I refused at first, I did cave in eventually. After drinking a couple of cups of the vodka, I could feel myself start to get tipsy. After one final drink, Gael and I headed to the dance floor, as our song, I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas, started to play. While singing and dancing with Gael, I could sense three pairs of eyes on us. Looking up I was unable to find who any of the eyes belonged to but that didn't matter. Gael and I were having fun. Getting so extremely close I can feel his abs that he's worked on for the past 2 years. The alcohol made me laugh and stumble slightly.

I love dancing, I just don't have the opportunity to often, so it was nice to let myself loose for once, not caring about anyone else and just focusing on me and Gael.

Unfortunately a combination of my reckless movements and intoxication, I managed to dance my way into a wall. At least, what I believed was a wall. Looking up though it was in fact, a boy. The same boy who I had been trying to forget about tonight. As I met Rowan's beautiful eyes, I suddenly wished I had picked up some more vodka. 

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