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Epic Brimm,
Abomination slayer.

Meme Lord,
Bro fanatic,
Two eyes.

Soul type: Conduit Soul

Age: Unknown

Hight: 6'1

weight: 140

Birthplace: Epictale

HP: Unknown

ATK and DEF: Unknown

Eye color: (Normal) white, (Combat) Purple

"Na Bruh, I got this. I am not risking anyone to die while I got something to say, Bruh."- True-Epic

True Epic is a version of Epic that taps to his full potential of his hidden power, on top of his eye fully accepting him. Along the fact that he accidentally absorbs Brimm onto himself, causing his already growing power to skyrocketed.

A Battle within the Judgment Hall takes place within this AU called Epictale were Frisk, who is possess by Epic-Gaster, has come and deal with this universe's Sans title Epic. It is the same as the original Epictale's story, but the end of the battle is what the difference between this one and the original. This is what happened to this Sans as before everything went down, he reflects on his life and his nightmares. Something to note that his nightmares is always haunting him, yet at the same time, it is always giving him ways to deal with people, especially it comes in handy, especially now. Gaster-Frisk looks at Epic with a bloody intent to continue the plans, and he has to go. Epic thinks on how things will go, things he does, and what to do after his eye was remove, as Gaster-Frisk charge an attack. He will not give up, even though his eye is gone, he can't give up now as for everyone sake, both Humans and Monsters. As that happened, Gaster-Frisk slash at Epic who, in instinct, pull out his hand to do something, and it did even though the eye was taken out. Epic somehow absorb the attack like he usually does which it is a shocker for everyone within the hall. Then, Epic's right eye began to glow purple, began to change, shaped of that of Epic's previous eye, and it give him power unknown to him. Gaster realize that Epic has a huge amount of potential within him and him being a threat of his plans. Other than that, he decides to try and take him control to see how he can really do, while Epic just going to see and use this newfound power to take down Gaster once and for all as he uses his newly absorbing and manipulation of energy to redirect back at him. The fight is destructive to say the least, from the entire hall being vaporize, to multiple nukes like explosions that destroys most of the Core, and New Home. The fight is getting into Epic who is getting tired and Gaster smiles at this as he knows that he won. That is until Epic accepts the trauma and sorrow that the Eye gave him that help him deal with it, accepting it. This mindset causes the Eye now fully accepts him. As that happens, the Eye rip off from Gaster's hands and return to Epic, causing him to return all the Blasters, Bones, Blue-Magic and everything. Epic with the two Eyes combine power, he finally was able to separate Gaster from Frisk. Epic-Gaster then runs away to the Multiverse where he planned on his next move and contemplate on what Sans is. After that is done, Epic then clean up the mess, before entering into the Multiverse to tract down Epic-Gaster and training with his new powers, as he felt them growing in power. That is not the end of his story, as he went into other situations like dealing the Tyrant King, the First Destroyer, and the God of the Multiverse, all of them challenge him. Fortunately, thanks for the two eyes, his power is growing and growing and because of this, this allows Epic to use his power to fight off against all of them. As that happened, the event of the Brimm happens earlier due to because of the fact that the War of the 13 Orbs cause this to happened earlier. Brimm possess Omni and turn into Orin, the Prince of Thunder. Epic, who is the only one at the time who can stand a chance against him then decided to take Orin head on, along with Loading by assistance. The fight is long and hard, but Epic began to lose ground due to Orin being just tier above Epic, but not enough to put him down. Epic then decided to do something that is pretty much dangerous, but necessary to defeat him. Epic remove Brimm out of Omni and absorb the beast into himself, causing him to spark Dark Arts-Lightening Mastery everywhere, and grown. Fortunately, thanks for the sealed of the Eyes and power of Cosmic Essence throughout the TransVoid that they were in, along Brimm's own power, and through Loading adding Mainframe and Nexus Code to reinforce the effects, the beast is sealed, now acts as his new prison and basically making Epic to be the new Conduit of Power. But Brimm sense his power began to grow due to the side effects of the Eyes, causing him to be as close to Sol as possible until he is in that level. Realize the potential within Epic, then decided to stay and instead, try all that he can to control him, but fails as the eyes allow Epic to have level of control, at least most of the time. But the danger of Nix, Inverted Conduits, and the Prime Conduit of Evil, Brimm and Epic make a truce and now works together to stop these threats for both their own ends.

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