"Master Windu, you have fought gallantly," boomed a voice from the platform above the stadium seats.  Akya knew for a fact this was Count Dooku, a deserter of the Jedi Order who rumoredly had joined the Sith.   Though these suspicions were never one hundred percent confirmed, everyone believed this to be true.  "Worthy of recognition in the Archives of the Jedi Order. Now it is finished.  Surrender, and your lives will be spared."

"We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku!" shouted Windu.

"Then I'm sorry, old friend."  Akya wasn't sure if it was just her, but he did not seem sorry at all. The droids surrounding them put their blasters back into the ready position.  Akya gave Anakin's hand one last squeeze then let go, placing both hands on her lightsaber.  She gave it a short spin, then brought it to her hands, ready.

"Look!" Padmé Amidala called suddenly, staring up at the yellow sky above them.  Akya looked up to find multiple ships hovering above her— ones she knew were not Separatist, whose models she had not seen before.  They slowly came down to the battlefield and the Jedi made room for them to land.  One, which landed right in front of them, held Master Yoda, and multiple identical troops, the likes of which she'd never seen before.  She scrunched her brows, unsure as to where this army had come from.

Immediately, the droids surrounding them began shooting at the transport ships, but now, they had the bigger guns— the transport ships's large blasters took out multiple droids at a time.  They began shooting at the Jedi again, as well, so Akya was very glad she had adopted her defensive stance just before Padmé had called out. 

The ships began to make a perimeter around the survivors.  Now the troopers began to load out slowly, taking out droids and allowing the Jedi to get onto the transports.  Anakin and Akya slowly backed onto one of them, along with Senator Amidala and Kenobi. Soon enough, all the surviving Jedi had been loaded onto the ships, and they flew off above the stadium.  Akya watched the droids lower their weapons as the transport ships flew out of their range with a smile.

To get out of the way of the arena, they had to fly through fields of Separatist watchtowers, all of which were equipped with blast cannons just as large as the ones on the transports. As they entered the towers' range, they immediately began shooting, and the ship swerved to miss the first blast.

"Hold on!" Kenobi shouted, taking the hand not holding his lightsaber and placing it on the side of the door. Anakin, Akya, and Padme took hold of the bars above them for balance.

"Aim right above the fuel cells!" Anakin shouted to the pilot.  The ship launched its missiles and aimed where Anakin had instructed, destroying the tower in one fell swoop. 

"Good call, my young Padawan," said Kenobi with a smile, turning to Anakin.

"He's your master?" Akya said quietly to Anakin.  She hadn't known.  She'd met Obi-Wan Kenobi a few times before, as he had attempted to train her with the Force once in the Temple, but did not know he was in charge of Anakin's training.

Anakin nodded in reply. 

As they flew over the dry lands of Geonosis, more droids began approaching under them, along with large cannons and tanks to attempt to shoot the transports out of the sky.  Just ahead of them, Akya saw one succeed, and with a couple of shots, the transport ahead exploded in a sudden blast of orange, causing turbulence around them.  Akya's hand slipped slightly, and she grabbed onto Anakin for balance— he smiled, then held her close so she could regain her grip on the bars above them.

Explosions happened all over the ground, littered with droids, clones, and Jedi alike.  Lights from blasts and lightsabers flew everywhere, and you could never tell where one was coming from or where it was going.  Both sides seemed to be endless in resources at this point in the expansive battle, from tanks to ships, even armies.

Kenobi pointed to a round starship ahead of them, smoke surrounding it as it readied to take off. "Attack those Federation starships! Quickly!" he said.   The clone piloting swerved around so the gunner could get a clear shot, and with the help of a nearby ship, they stopped the large starship from departing.   It fell to the ground, and the dust and sand it created from the impact blinded their line of sight, making a thick, brown fog.  Akya covered her eyes with her free hand, coughing.

As they came out of the dust spray, Kenobi looked down to the plains below.  "Look over there!" he said, pointing downward.  Akya followed his gaze to find Count Dooku speeding away from the battle, accompanied by two automated speeders, as well. 

"It's Dooku!"  Anakin said.  "Shoot him down!"

"We're out of rockets, sir," the pilot said.

"Follow him!" Anakin demanded the alternative. 

"We're gonna need some help!" Senator Amidala said.

"There isn't time! Anakin and I can handle this!" Obi-Wan said.

"I'm coming too, then!" Akya said, taking a step forward, but still holding onto the bars above.

"No, you're not," said Anakin, turning around quickly.

"We can't risk it, Akya," said Kenobi.  "You must stay."

Akya sighed, but accepted their reasons. Neither of them were responsible for her, and in fact, they would most likely get in trouble if they decided to take her along with them to fight Dooku.  Suddenly, she felt turbulence once again as the ship began swerving side to side to avoid the blasts from the speeders that had been trailing Dooku.  The ship had no defense, and after a couple swerves, was knocked hard on the side.  Akya shook from the blast, her hand losing grip of the bar above her as the ship tilted, causing her to fall out of the side door, along with Senator Amidala and one of the clones.  The last thing she remembered was Anakin calling, "Akya!" as he reached out before she hit the sand dunes.


happy thursday! hope everyone had a great winter holiday ♡ ♡

omg the next chapter is anakin going insane over his girl :( but also attack of the clones is almost over! omg!

don't forget to vote :)


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