Detective Nugget: Magic Mayhem

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It was a rather sunny day at the Butlin's resort, and everyone is going about their day to have as a much fun as possible. Redcoats tried keeping their balance as they try to entertain the guests that arrived at the pavilion. They are usually quite tip top with their coordination, but their legs just kept tumbling over unexpectedly at random points of their act. Dishes were almost smashed and crashed, but thankfully, another redcoat was able to catch them before they hit the floor. They both paused for a moment then sighed with relief. Maybe people were bumping into them too much? That seems to be the most logical explanation - yet anything could happen when you have streams of magic everywhere.


Like that one! A magical being sped past these redcoats and several families, causing them to step back and/or fall on their bottoms. "Sorry!!" that magical being shouted but kept running. "Me and Sproutie are having a race!" One redcoat got up, frowning a bit when their performance was interrupted once again. They tried to spin the plates again, only for another larger being to sped past them, causing them to trip up on their feet and drop the plates on the floor. Smash! Crash! What a disastrous act! "SORRY!!" the bigger being cried out before running back on course again. "I'm trying to catch up to Nuggie!" The redcoats only shook their heads. What is going on today?

Nugget was indeed far ahead from Sprout, having to have been given a head start by him. Starting from Scoops, the two zoomed off in random directions and had zigzagged through multiple obstacles like the Skypark and the swimming pool. As you could probably guess, the race track was all over the place, but they didn't mind as they both knew where the race would officially end: back on the skyline stage. They both huffed. They both sweated. After this race, they'd probably settle down for a while and have a long, long drink. "Whew! Not much farther now!" Nugget wheezed, who is starting to yawn from running so much. "I see the stage!"

"I still think I'm gonna get there first~!" joked Sprout, who is now smelling of body odour. Nugget was grossed out by how strong that stench was and slowed down to clear his nostrils. His green friend just kept sprinting. "Eugh! Crazy Daisy! You're going to need a bath first, Sprout!" told Nugget, who's voice was higher thanks to him pinching his nose. Sprout just laughed. "I'm NOT going to take one!" he declared. "Not unless you fill it with bubbles and about 27 rubber duckies!" Nugget rolled his eyes and accelerated.

Thankfully for the brown being, Sprout had stopped running for a bit. Why did he stop running? Bud and Mimi had got an unpleasant whiff of Sprout's new 'fragrance'. "Ooh, do you like my new perfume~? I call it 'The Essence Of Sproutlet'. Available only at Butlin's!" jested Sprout, trying to get Mimi to smell him again. His yellow friend gagged and heaved the air, desperately seeing if it could stop her from picking up this poisoning perfume. "Sprout! That is not perfume, that is sweat!" she bluntly corrected, before taking one of her perfumes from her Prada bag and spraying it on her green friend. Bud gave a face at both smells, almost like his nose is being attacked by good and bad odours. "Do you know how many pathogens you are carrying under your armpits from all that sweat?" he rhetorically asked Sprout. "I think it's about time you take a bath and put on clean clothes."

"Told you, Sproutie!" Nugget cheekily laughed as he ran past the three. Now Nugget is back in the lead.

"Aha! I'll NEVER take one!" Sprout repeated with his arms in the air. "I'm the King of Stinky and I'll win this race!" He ran back on course like a complete maniac whose arms are still flying about. Bud leaned forward to stop his green friend from running off, but Sprout was just too quick. Almost for no reason, Sprout decided to scream as well, though it was a 'happy and he knows it' kind of scream. Mimi and Bud just stood there with a blank face. "...Actually, perfumes based off of us isn't a bad idea." Mimi pondered to her red friend, taking out her mobile phone. "I'll ring Billy and see what he thinks about this fabulous idea." Bud just facepalmed. "Shouldn't we be focused on getting Sprout through the cleansing process instead of fussing about personalised scented bottles?!" he suggested, annoyed.

-Skyline Gang OC STORIES-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ