Tease Me* (BestFriend!Harry Halloween Extra)

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Summary: An extra for Teach Me

The one where you and your best friend, Harry, are invited to a Haunted House.

But ghosts aren't the only fun thing about this party.

(For my non-spooky besties, the house isn't actually haunted! Just old and abandoned! There are no jump scares💞)



The large mansion looms into view. A tall, skeletal structure that's brightened by the soft glow of the full moon. Hidden behind tall pines and a collection of dancing shadows, it stands like a sentinel of forgotten secrets. Ivy drips from the rotting wood, and boards cover a majority of the windows. The once grand façade bearing the scars of time.

You can see a collection of breathtaking stained glass windows lining the top story of the house. You can't exactly make out the artwork from this distance, but you know, undoubtedly, that they're beautiful. Only imagining what those reflections might look like in the sunlight.

The car sneaks along the gravel driveway, the sound of rocks and crunching leaves following you every inch of the way. You feel your breath hitch as you glance over toward Harry, who returns your look with a cocked brow of his own.

He pulls up next to the only other car on the lot. Rather, the only other car for miles. From the passenger seat, you can see Charlie, Jackie, and Caleb all huddled around the hood, conversing in hushed voices, and waving at you both in greeting.

Harry shifts into park before leaning back in his seat to turn his attention to you. "Well?"

You suck in a quiet breath before nodding once. "It's...spooky."



"Thanks, but I meant the house," he replies cooly, and you can't help but grin.

"Funny. Honestly, I don't think this is what I was expecting."

"No?" He considers this with a nod of his own. "I guess it's more ugly than scary. Caleb said he used to come here all the time when he was a kid. His brother claimed it was haunted."

"Ooo," you tease, and Harry smirks. "Do you believe in ghosts?"

He lifts a shoulder in a nonchalant shrug. "I don't ever really think about it."

"That's fair."

Now his expression twists into something more mischievous as he leans closer to you. "But...if any ghosts come out and try to steal you from me, I have no problem sending 'em back to the afterlife."

You laugh again as you playfully swat your hand across his arm before surging forward to kiss him. "You're an idiot, baby."

"Yeah. But m'your idiot."


He laughs.

With that, you both unbuckle your seatbelts and step out of the car, joining your friends just beside the front steps of the mansion.

"Well, well, well," Charlie grins, nodding his chin at the two of you. "Can't believe you actually showed. Thought Har-Bear wasn't into Halloween."

Harry offers another shrug; relaxed but amused. "I'm not. But I wouldn't mind seeing you get the shit scared out of you."

Charlie's expression falls while the rest of you laugh. "Okay, funny. Hysterical. Caleb's the one that pissed himself when he was here last."

"I was ten, dipshit," Caleb snorts. "And I didn't piss myself, I just screamed a little."

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