The Mecha Swarm Returns

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Izuku was called to the Support course, he was holding a flash drive. When he arrived the door blew off its hinges.

Powerloader: Mei, I told you not to put the setting on high.

Mei: Sorry sir, Midoriya, what are you doing here?

Izuku: I came for the new upgrades on my suit, but I also came with a possible offer for you and Powerloader.

Mei: Wow, well come on in.

Izuku enters the classroom to see it in a bit of disarray.

Izuku: I see you've been keeping busy.

Powerloader: Eh, we'll deal with it some other time, so what is it you want to show us?

Izuku: Ah, yes. Well a couple of years ago a scientist named Egon Stetmann was stranded on the planet Bel'shir filled with terrazine which caused him to go a little insane, but it was through this insanity that he created a new Machine based Zerg, the Mecha Swarm.

Mei: Ooh, now we're interested.

Izuku: On my way to Zerus I came across this planet and found both the schematics and a robot that acted as Stetmann's best friend and companion. May I introduce you to Gary?

The robot flew into view with a big smile on its face

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The robot flew into view with a big smile on its face. Mei's eyes sparkled at the sight of such an amazing machine. Gary happily beeped.

Izuku: I think he likes you.

Mei: Really, can I keep him?

Izuku: Well if it's alright with Powerloader.

Powerloader: So long as he doesn't cause any trouble he can stay, now Midoriya about those schematics.

Izuku: Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

Izuku gives Powerloader the flash drive. When he puts it into his computer they saw all the schematics Stetmann made for his Mecha Swarm. Zergling, Drone, Baneling, Corruptor, Battlecarrier Lord, Broodling, Hydralisk, Infestor, Larva, Locustsceptor, Lurker, Roach, Ravager, Overlord, Overseer, and even the Stetalites.

 Zergling, Drone, Baneling, Corruptor, Battlecarrier Lord, Broodling, Hydralisk, Infestor, Larva, Locustsceptor, Lurker, Roach, Ravager, Overlord, Overseer, and even the Stetalites

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