Swarm Evolution Part 1

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Izuku entered the Evolution Pit with Katsuki waiting for Abathur to arrive. He crawls out of his hole and approaches the duo.

Izuku: Why have you summoned me Abathur?

Izuku: I have decided to go with the Raptor Strain.

Abathur: Excellent choice, shall incorporate into Zergling forces

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Abathur: Excellent choice, shall incorporate into Zergling forces.

Izuku: What will happen to the Swarmling strain?

Abathur: Shall be kept here for future use.

Izuku: Very well, inform me of any new strains when you can.

Abathur: Noted.

Izuku and Katsuki leave the Evolution Pit and return home. As time went on Izuku discovered two new types of Zerg, the Roaches, and Hydralisks. Abathur calls Izuku and he arrives at the Evolution Pit.

 Abathur calls Izuku and he arrives at the Evolution Pit

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Izuku: Have you discovered any new evolution strains Abathur?

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Izuku: Have you discovered any new evolution strains Abathur?

Abathur: Correct, new Roach strains. Corpser strain, and Vile strain.

Izuku: Alright, set up the tests, and let's see them in action.

Katsuki: The Corpser strain doesn't look like anything a hero would use.

Izuku: Yes, the Vile strain seems more useful, therefore I will go with the Vile strain.

Izuku: Yes, the Vile strain seems more useful, therefore I will go with the Vile strain

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Abathur: Very well, I shall inform you of any new evolution strains.

Izuku and Katsuki leave the Evolution Pit and return home. After some training, Izuku discovered a new mutation for the Zerglings called Banelings. This caught Abathur's attention and he began to study the new Zerg. After some research he alerts Izuku. Izuku arrives at the Evolution Pit where Abathur is waiting.

Izuku: I see you have discovered new evolutions strains for the Banelings

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Izuku: I see you have discovered new evolutions strains for the Banelings.

Abathur: Indeed, already set up tests. Await your command.

Izuku: Hmm, I'll have to go with the Hunter strain, I don't want to continuously create Overlords to maintain control over a continuously growing swarm.

Izuku: Hmm, I'll have to go with the Hunter strain, I don't want to continuously create Overlords to maintain control over a continuously growing swarm

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Abathur: Understandable. Shall integrate Hunter strain into Baneling strands.

Izuku: Thank you for this Abathur, if there are any new evolutions and Zerg you have created, be sure to inform me of this.

Abathur: It will be done.

Izuku leaves the Evolution Pit and returns home. After some training, Izuku was finally ready for the Entrance Exam.

Izuku: Alright, I think I am ready for this. I'll have to inform the Principal of what I plan to do during the exam to ensure that no one will panic.

Izuku calls U.A. and tells the Principal about what he intends to do and he agrees to Izuku's plan. We now go to the Principal's office just as he gets off the phone.

???: Who was that Nezu?

Nezu: It was an applicant, he called ahead to inform me of something he is going to do during the Entrance Exam.

???: Is it even safe?

Nezu: Of course, but I should tell the staff about this, just to help ease their worries.

The principal walks out of his office with the man following behind him.

And that is all for now, I hope you all enjoyed this part, and I will see you next time for the Entrance Exam.

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