
As he made his way upstairs, Hyunjin was coming down, hands in the pocket. He turned Hyunjin around by his waist, leading him upstairs too. 

"Wha–?" "Get dressed, we're going shopping." 

Eating outside or in his workplace or sometimes at his best friend's. No way Seungmin would continue living like this. Same goes for Hyunjin. From what he heard, he can't cook, so he often eats outside, that too snacks made of flour. Very often. 

There needs to be some changes and proper functioning of this household. Both sets of parents had offered a maid, but Seungmin refused saying he doesn't need any other to 'barge' in his house every day and take care of the house. 

He is capable.

 And that has backfired for six months straight.

Stares followed them ever since they entered the supermarket. Well, it isn't a surprise. Even his own subordinates' gossip about the famous Hwang heir. The Hwang heir, who is his husband. 

But no one knows that. 

Their engagement wasn't really made news to the public nor was it actually hidden. If someone finds out about it, oh, congratulations, you now know that they are married. People may even stop approaching Hyunjin on social media. 

But who is Seungmin to announce that? It is just an arranged marriage. And his feelings remain untold. 

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin's left hand, where the round accessory shines, and then back to his own. He had chosen this ring himself, because he likes rose gold. 

Is he a coward? Yes.
When it comes to a situation like this? Definitely.
Will he try to change it? Not really, as long as Hyunjin is staying close and they are behaving like they are now.

Hyunjin shifted close to Seungmin, then leaned to whisper grumpily, "Why is half of the population looking at you?" 

Seungmin gave him a side-eye. "Are you genuinely stupid or you actually don't know?"
"Don't know what?" He asked, half annoyed at the accusation of him being stupid. 

"They all are looking at you, your highness. You are the one who comes on television from time to time. You are very much the stated prince of Korea." Hyunjin looked at Seungmin wide-eyed and the latter gave a nod. 

He shifted a tad bit closer to Seungmin once again. "You're no less handsome, you know?" he said, earning an amused look from the other. Seungmin just shook his head and pushed the trolley ahead.

While he picked up some pork belly, Hyunjin came with two toothbrushes in his hand and threw them into the trolley. 

"Let me just tell you this, Hwang. I'm really sensitive about spending money. So, you better not buy things randomly." Hyunjin pushed the trolley near the billing counter and wiggled, "Don't worry, I saw that your brush was done for, all the bristles poking out like your bedhead." 

Seungmin stared at his back and smiled. Damn. He really should have struck up a conversation earlier. 

They went back home vibing to songs played loudly in their car. Like the sun poking out of monsoon clouds, Hyunjin and Seungmin's smile towards each other spread on their faces unlike any other busy day.

"How well can you cook?" Hyunjin scratched his neck at Seungmin's question. "Well, only ramyeon. And boil eggs, yes."
"Okay, fine then. I'll be doing the dinner. Let's just have eggs and fruit juice in the morning, which will be your responsibility." Hyunjin nodded confidently. 

The next half an hour, they discussed their work routine, the time they go for a bath and more. They finally got down to cleaning the house on weekends, like now. 

Seungmin seemed to be mesmerised as Hyunjin tied his hair up and folded the cuffs of his shirt up his arms. His arms were delicate looking, but not really when he flexed them. He looked at his own and flexed them. He isn't any less, as veins popped up. 

Hyunjin came back with a bucket and mop and Seungmin had already started with the dusting. "Is this fine, Seungmin?" Hyunjin pointed at the bucket, now full of foam. Hyunjin really has to stop his habit of adding too much soap. Seungmin still nodded and the other started mopping the floor.

Seungmin once again randomly shook his head, smiling at the memory of his employees talking about his husband

'So, our hospital is now in business with Hwang pharmaceuticals?'
Yes, isn't that great? We even might see Hyunjin-ssi passing through sometimes.'

'You idiot. Why will the founder himself walk in for some short meeting and files? He travels in a luxury car every day. He has houseworkers all around him to serve him all the time.'
'So does the director of this hospital and our boss.' 

'We can just hope that Hwang Hyunjin falls sick and comes to this hospital.' Seungmin had furrowed his brow and walked in the corridor.
'Wishing for someone's ill-being so that you can see them, is a little bit insensitive, don't you think?' 

The subordinates zipped their mouths in an instant. 'All of you have done a good job so far. I hope you all will continue to do so, instead of talking nonsense like this.'

The Hwang Hyunjin who is served all the time is now trying to scrub a corner aggressively. Honestly, what do the people think of the chaebol? Yes, there might be a few how they show in dramas, but not all of them. 

Hyunjin was done and so was Seungmin with the laundry. And when Seungmin looked again at Hyunjin, his shirt was unbuttoned from the top. 

Seungmin probably won't ever shut up about how charming his husband is, but now he won't shut up about how hot his husband is. It was out of Seungmin's understanding how can someone be dripping in sweat, even when the air conditioner was on full blast. 

Seungmin gulped once, twice when he traced a drop of sweat going down his neck and thrice, when Hyunjin caught him staring. 

"Like what you're seeing?" Hyunjin wiggled his eyebrows. 

Seungmin scrunched up his nose and pointed upstairs. "Go have a shower, your smell is emanating everywhere and we just cleaned the house." Hyunjin twisted his mouth and rolled his eyes, grumbling nonsense and stomping up the stairs. 

Kim Seungmin, you idiot, don't expose yourself so shamelessly. 

My Day- end

i've been so excited for the past week, like clips of hyunjin whispering something to seungmin has been coming on my screen every time, that one scoups edit, sunghoon 2023. AND I was writing down a random oneshot inspired from on track, but since skzflix is coming, I discarded it.

Happy Halloween

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