The Redemption

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Author's Note: I lied

Two months had passed since Denver, and it's been a week since the war had ended. They used that key to power up those sattelites in space, the ones that shot down nukes. SDI, I think it was called. That pretty much nullfied the Chinese, who still had another hundred or so. However, still severely outnumbered, America was able to liberate the Western territories, having advanced training and such. After annihilating most of their army, we turned our attention to the Mexicans. South American resistance managed to overthrow the repressive communist regime that was forced upon them, thus restoring their former governments to power. As they united their governments into a federal government much akin to the States, they joined the war effort. Mexico, facing pressure from both sides, finally surrendered the day before Christmas as North American and South American armies collapsed on their capital. This united offensive somehow convinced Europe to step in, and in honor of their fallen breathren of the United Kingdom. chose to wage war upon the Chinese from their west borders. However, it was not unanimous, and the dissenting countries of Sweden, Finland and Norway, seceeded from the European Union and established their own, thus becoming the Scandinavian Union.  The American forces, crippled from the loss of the East Coast cities, restablished their forward deployed bases in Japan and the Philippines, and used those as staging points for the invasion of China. However, before even one step was set upon the beaches of the Yellow Sea, China's goverrnment collapsed from not only pressure on their western front, but from within as well. Apparently, the 300 million Chinese that were left were inspired by the turn of events in South America, and had attempted to make that reality come true for them. The war ended last week, on January 15th, 2016.  Hong Kong has since been returned to the British, and some of their commonwealth welcomed the survivors with open arms. 

Since the Denver incident, I had been living in the nation's capital of Baltimore, the only city on the East Coast that was left standing. James' plan had worked; he was promoted to flag officership the day before. Joe's "parade" would begin in a few minutes; they'll be parading him down from Annapolis to the Presidential house downtown. They had it on all networks, how they caught him, how the General found him, and something about his poor wife who suffered mental damage. I was so glad he hadn't tried to have his way with me... I think he learned from the first night we arrived in this home. I'm certain he means to get rid of me, but I can't confront him. If he died, he would win. If I died, he would win...

The parade started on time. Color guard followed by division after division of troops. Cameras all along the route were catching every moment of this; every motion, every feature... everything. Finally, the civilian part of the parade. Patriots, activists, and celebrities. Fire engines, floats, and baloons. And then... there he was. They had him tied up, armed guards all around him. There were boos, there were people spitting. Some guy even jumped up there and pissed on him, to which there was an eruption of cheers. I cried so hard at that moment; he was being beaten so harshly. Physically, emotionally, mentally... I saw him look at the camera and stare for a while. It felt like he was staring right into my eyes. His mouth was moving, but there was no sound. He was struggling so hard to say something, and he could not... tears flowed even harder. James came up shortly after Joe turned the corner, and the crowd cheered louder than ever before. They didn't know anything, it was so obvious. Sheep... that's what they were. That's what I was... before...


I jumped out of my chair and span around, looking everywhere for a club or something to defend myself with.

"I mean, Emily..."

Wait...  I looked at the man who snuck up behind me, but he was clad in all black. Reflective sunglasses, but the angle of the face was so familiar. Was it..

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