The School and the Memories

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I woke up face down on a black wooden bench. I was in a large room, that was certain, but where was I?  To my immediate left was a large black wall... some paint was chipping off. It didn't tower... maybe five feet high? To my right was a large wooden space... there was evidence that it was waxed at one point long ago. And beneath me, a large dark puddle was drying up... I scrambled to get up, only to be met with a dizzy head. That was... my blood? But how, what... wait, I'm not bleeding? Nothing's flowing right now... no wet spots other than the sweat beads trickling down my face and down my... where are my clothes?!?  I was wearing nothing; completely naked! Here I was in a strange place, with no recollection of how I got here or even how long I've been here, and I was stripped of my clothes. But, oddly as it may seem, I wasn't disturbed... and I didn't feel threatened. This place... it was familiar...

I observed my surroundings in an attempt to place it. I started with behind me; there were rows upon rows of wooden seats stretching all the way to the top of the wall. Bleachers. In the middle, above the black wall (which was, actually, a booth) was a closed off section, the perimeter a black handrail. Above me were rafters, from which hung six basketball hoops. Two were folded up, but the other four were in a fixed position. Gazing across the wooden floor (which I had deduced to be a basketball court, obviously) were more bleachers, but they were folded all the way back to the far wall. My eyes drifted to the left, and above the doors were many gold painted plaques. Each one had a year and an associated sport, and they surrounded a large scoreboard. Warriors and Away featured prominently over the digit slots... once again, that struck a familiar note. One wall remaining; I fixed my eyes from the bottom up. More wooden doors, but I was sure they were only closets. Above them a couple lines; one black, the other gold. And then, as my eyes raised to the next image, my legs began to shake. After I stared at it for a moment, something finally registered. The Native American from my dreams! 

My knees gave out as I clutched my hands on my head. Images poured in from every direction; memories from elementary school... middle school... high school... that image, the Warriors... Starbucks.... him... No! Why him? Why is he in my mind like this? Why is he a memory? And what... wait... why.... I felt this feeling for him.... it was an old feeling... only felt it once before.... before.... the wedding? Affection... Love? NO! No, that wasn't it! It couldn't be it! That was impossible, he was evil... but he wasn't? No, not gonna think about that, brain. Move on!

My mind seemed to follow my order, as different images leaked in. I struggled to raise my eyes... something was telling me to.... the name... this school.... written on the wall....Arapahoe High School... and then everything suddenly stopped.

Say your name. Don't think about it. Just say it...

"Hel-" No! Your real name. Say your real name....

"...Emily Rodgers." I covered my mouth in shock! But... but... my name is Helen! Helen Stevens!

No, you are Emily Rodgers. You are the girl in your dreams... you know it to be true...

"But I have a life as Helen! My daddy-"

Your daddy was very protective, Emily. Tell me, do you remember anything prior to your eighteenth birthday. Specifically.... do you remember anything about Atlanta before you graduated?


Tell me what you remember.... what happened that night with the storm... the accident... what can you see?

"I remember... I remember... my dad and my mom, standing over me. They were crying... the doctor said something to them.... I was hit hard.... the head.... amnesia...."

Yes... you catch on. Em... your confused... your answers... they lie just beyond those doors... you know it to be true... The voice faded away. Emily... that's who I am... and Joe... shit! Joe! He's at Starbucks! I need to get there! But... wait... I'm here... and all that's happened... this is 2015. Eight years ago... I checked my watch... today! November 15th... It was seven years since I woke up from that hospital bed... Homecoming.... September?

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