0 - Prologue

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It was a beautiful sunny day when the screams of labour filled Camel Hump village. It was a small village, about a day's travel away from the beast city, and had a population of 300 males and 18 females. The average ratio of males to females was about 15:1 which made females extremely valuable, but hard to birth because they were born in their man and stayed like that for the majority of their life.

Contrary to popular belief, females could transform into their beast form, although they didn't do it very often because they weren't trained. They normally would never even partially transform unless they were in grave danger. Unlike males, females couldn't gain stripes and were noticeably smaller and weaker.

Back to the pain-filled screams of the female, she was lying down on a patch of hay in a four-bedroom wooden cabin, near the center of the village. The female's name was Ada, and she was known around the village for being a greedy female, who would torment other younger females.

"Get it out, now," Ada screeched.

"It is almost done now, Ada," the doctor said, he was a one-stripped ape beast man named Willian, who originally came from the beast city but left to become the village doctor.

Soon enough the screaming stopped and was replaced by the female's panting breath, which was soon drowned out by the crying of the new-born female.

"Congratulations, she is a beautiful, healthy girl," William said, carefully placing the young female in the elder female's arms.

The newborn was beautiful, with big emerald eyes, a little button nose, and golden skin and hair. She looked exactly like her father, a two-striped leopard called Harman.

"What should we name her, my love." The leopard said, reaching out to stroke a tuft of her soft hair.

"Whatever, I don't care. I just want her gone until she needs feeding." Ada grumbled, swiftly passing the female to her mate's hands, and quickly dozing off to sleep.

The leopard male gazed at the small female in his arms as she gurgled and looked up at him with her identical emerald eyes.

"I will name you Eudora, my beautiful little cub." The father said.

The rest of Ada's males settled down next to or near their mate, but Eudora's father walked out of the room, and into the second room, which they normally used for eating, and lied down, with his daughter cradled in his arms.

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