However, that is not what I said at all. Christ I wish I could say that, but how would that look for the goon squad? Not good and then Y/n will get hurt because I can't control my feelings. No. Not this time. I will not let her get hurt over my own selfish need to be with her.

Instead, I cut her off from finishing that sentence and slam my fists down on the table as I get up. I made sure to cause a scene so the jock squad would see that I am not trying to talk or make a move on Billy's girl. "Save it Henderson! Just stay away from me" I yell trying not to look at her as I say it.

I catch a quick glimpse of her before I storm out of the cafeteria. I can see the tears swelling in her eyes. Damn I just hate myself now. I hate myself a lot. I made her cry. Did I really have to be that harsh? I could have just said I didn't want to talk, but instead I went all dramatic so Billy's friends would see.

If only she knew I was acting like this to protect her. All I want is for her to be safe and happy. How is this keeping her happy though? I made the poor girl cry.

God! These are too complex of emotions for me to deal with. I am not at the proper maturity level to handle this real life shit. I would say I need a cigarette, but I need something much stronger. I need a fucking joint and thankfully I have one in my van.

I make my way out to the parking lot. I mutter to myself like a fucking a mad man trying to tell myself that I did the right thing.  I know I did the right thing. I was protecting her. It was either be a dick to her or she would face the wrath of Billy. I have to just keep telling myself that I protected her and she would understand if she knew.

As I try to talk myself off the ledge, I notice something that makes me stop in my tracks. Billy is making out with a cheerleader that is not Y/n against his car. I cannot believe what I am seeing right now. Of course he told me he was cheating, but part of me hoped he was just trying to antagonize me.

Now I am seeing it with my own eyes right in front of me. Billy is all over some chick that is not his fucking girlfriend. How could he possibly do that? He has the most amazing woman for a girlfriend. How could he ever need anyone besides her? This is damn madness! He should be cherishing what he has right now because Y/n surely is the best thing he will ever have.

He spots me out the corner of his eye and smiles. He wraps his arm around the girl and opens his passenger door for her. He gets into his car and peels out of the parking lot still smiling at me in the rear view mirror. Am I missing something here? There is no way this guy is actually getting away with cheating on her.

There is no way he has not been caught before and someone has not tried to tell her. These damn cheerleaders claim to be her friend but yet they seem to have no issue throwing themselves all over her boyfriend. Does no one have morals anymore? How am I the outcast here? This place is backwards as hell.

I shake my head and walk over to my van. This is a two joint occasion. I will put both those bitches in my mouth and spark them up. I need something to calm me the hell down. My blood pressure is way to high for 19 year old. As I open the door to my van to look for my joints when I hear the little shrimp come up behind me.

"Holy shit! What the hell did I just witness?"

I don't even have to ask. I know exactly what he is talking about. He just saw what I saw. He saw his sister's boyfriend cheating on her in broad daylight. I tuck the joints into my pocket and turn back around to face Dustin. I may not be able to tell Y/n, but there is no harm in telling her brother. Billy just said Y/n, he didn't say anyone else.

A Match Made in Hellfire | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now