"Is there a signature look the individual has?" I flung my head back. "What do they always wear or drive or-" I sat up with a start. "I've got it."

I sped out the chair and entered back in the control room. Zayn and Jade glanced up as I hastily made my way to the monitor. I found scratch paper and scribbled a terrible drawing. Where's Lara the artist when you need her?

"Here!" I thrusted it at Zayn.

"Umm... what am I looking at?" He tilted the picture.

"A bracelet." I then began typing away so that AI could make a digital design. Thank you ChatGPT.

"So... this bracelet-"

"Okay, it created it. Let's match it to any video feed. She must've been caught on camera somewhere." I rapidly typed away.

"I'm still on the bracelet-"

I ignored Zayn and watched as the algorithm went through billions of videos. My eyes rapidly raced across the screen as I watched the calculation for matches. I began to get disheartened, but saw positive matches in multiple videos. All located in Spain.

"She's in Spain." I stated.

"Hold up!" Zayn interrupted me. "How do we know that's she's really in Spain?!" He faced me. "None of these videos have her face in it. All 5 literally show either a wrist, the full hand, an arm, BUT NO FACE!"

"Zayn." Matt stepped forward as I rushed to pack up. "Never question a mother's intuition." He smirked.

"What's significant about the bracelet?" Jade helped pack up.

"I gave it to her." I closed a case. "Well, more like she stole it. I recognized it, but allowed her to keep it." I chuckled. "She never takes it off because she claims it reminds her of home... or me." I blushed and continued packing.

"Off to Spain we go."

"Ibiza." Zayn looked at the location. "Party capital of Espana."

"Yep, she's there." Matt, Jade and I simultaneously spoke.

"Let's go." Matt rounded us up. "I've got a plane."

Before we left, I rushed to the computer and tagged a worm to any video involving Yeira. This'll give Carla a thing to bitch about. I also programmed any video with Yeira's face to cause a destructive virus on servers. Sorry the rest of the world, but I've gotta protect my child. There! I pressed enter.

"Ready." I faced my team.


Third Person POV

"Find this girl!" Carla shouted at her team of hackers. "It shouldn't be that hard!"

"She's not using any technology. This girl is like off the grid." One of them spoke.

Carla stepped back and thought for a moment. It was unusual for someone of Yeira's generation to not be so attached to technology. She placed her hands on the desk and deeply inhaled. She hung her head while thinking of another strategy.

"See if she's in any pictures or videos. In the background or something."

The team nodded and began searching for videos or pictures of her. They couldn't find any pictures and Yeira appeared to avoid any security cameras. Carla then realized the girl had no intention of being found. She was purposely making it difficult to track her.

"Carla." One of them spoke. "Think I've got a hit."

Carla nodded and moved next to him. The video showed a match. He went to play it, but an error occurred. He furrowed his brows and typed some more, but his computer suddenly locked up. He frantically typed, but the more he typed the worse it got.

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