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Third Person POV

The alarm sounded waking Patrick from his nap. He rubbed his eyes before blindly searching for his glasses. Once he found them, he situated them above his nose while walking to get his keys. His wife had asked him to return some items to the store while she played billiards with her friends. Patrick didn't mind since he encouraged her to spend time with friends. His motto was that they weren't getting any younger and to enjoy life while you can.

He smiled as he passed the picture collage of his children. Patrick's favorite ones were always when his children were actually kids. Granted, they're adults now, but he loves reminiscing on their younger days. Two of them were still in Montana, but his other daughter was living abroad in Europe. He constantly forgot where Amelia lived since she was constantly moving between Italy and France.

Nevertheless, he locked up the house and drove to the store. It didn't take long to return the items. The cashier was patient and kindly sent him on his way. As he entered his car, Patrick failed to notice his tampered exhaust vents. He turned the engine on and began the drive home.

As he drove, he began to feel lightheaded. Patrick realized something was wrong and pulled over to the side of the road. Granted, it was a long lonely road, but he didn't want to cause any other cars inconvenience. He held his forehead as the pain began to worsen. Patrick wanted fresh air and attempted to turn down the window. What shocked him was that the windows seemed to be disabled.

Patrick then attempted to open the door, but it was locked. He tried pushing open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He then began to violently cough. Patrick felt his throat constrict as he struggled to breathe. He fumbled the phone and tried dialing help.

911 What's your emergency?

Help. He weakly called out.

Sir? Sir, what seems to be the problem.

Can't... can't breathe. His eyes started getting heavy.

Sir? Sir? Sir! Stay with me! Help is on the way.

I... I can't. He slowly lost consciousness.

Sir! Sir!




The police and firefighters arrived shortly after the call, but they were too late. He was pronounced dead upon sight. They stated the death from carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty exhaust system. One of the officers left to make the announcement to the wife.

While all of this was happening, a figure stood by and smirked. The individual pulled the hood over their head before disappearing into the woods.  

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