"You can stay here if you want." He said, hoping that Freya would trust him enough to spend the night with him. And because he hoped that he would be able to keep her safe from the memories. He knew how hard it was to keep memories away while asleep.

"I don't want to bother you-" Freya started, unsure if she should accept Loki's offer or not. She felt safe with him and that would hopefully help her sleep better, but there was still a relatively big chance that she would wake Loki up because of a physical reaction to her memories. It never got to the point where she used magic, but there was no guarantee that it wouldn't happen in the future.

"I wouldn't have offered if you would bother me." Loki said, taking Freya's hands in his. He knew how those memories felt and what they did to him. He could only imagine how bad Freya's memories were, considering that she spent nearly 1000 years under Thanos' control, whilst he only had to suffer for one year.

Freya smiled and placed her head on Loki's shoulder again. "I suppose this is a yes then?" Loki laughed and Freya smiled, noticing for the first time how beautiful his laugh was.

Instead of answering, Freya used magic to instantly change into her pajamas, which consisted of a pair of black shorts and an oversized shirt she stole from Thor.

"Where did you get that shirt if I may ask?" Loki questioned, recognizing it as Thor's. "There might be a tiny chance it once belonged to your brother." Freya answered, knowing that she wouldn't be able to lie to Loki anyways, and, judging from the smirk on his face, he wouldn't be mad at her in the slightest.

Loki laughed, thinking back to a few weeks ago when Thor, who couldn't find his shirt, immediately thought Loki stole it. "Thor blamed me for that one and he still thinks I have it. Maybe you should give it back."

"No, I don't think I will. I'm letting Thor keep thinking it was you."

Loki chuckled, magically changing into his pajamas as well. His arm was still around Freya's waist, but it felt too right, so Loki didn't move. Freya also didn't seem to be complaining about it.

Before Loki could think too much about it, Freya moved away from him and let her head fall onto the soft pillows. "Your bed is comfier than mine." She commented, turning back around to face Loki, who was looking at her with a fond smile.

"I don't think that my bed is all that different from yours," Loki chuckled, walking around the bed and laying down next to Freya. Almost instantly, Freya's arms were around him and her head was resting on his chest.

"I really hope you usually ask if a person is comfortable with this." Loki wrapped his arms around Freya, so she wouldn't feel guilty about making him uncomfortable.

"There is nobody to ask. They all hate me." Freya said with a sad smile, looking up, but not loosening her grip on Loki. "Even if they do, they shouldn't hate you," he said, frowning.

"No, they have every right to hate me. I'm a monster, Loki. I don't deserve any of this."

"You're not a monster Freya, don't ever think that. It wasn't you who did those awful things, it was Thanos. If someone here is a monster, then it's me."

"No Loki, you're not a monster either. If you say that all the terrible things I've done were Thanos' fault, then why should it be any different for you?" Freya turned serious and sat up, noticing that the skin where Loki's arms were touching her, now felt cold, which made no sense, since Loki's skin was cold, so why would it feel cold?

"I- it's not just Thanos." Loki admitted, looking down at his hands.

"Just because you're a Jotun doesn't mean that you're a monster," Freya said softly, taking Loki's hands in hers.

Loki's head shot up at that and he stared at Freya for a few seconds before he spoke again. "You- you know about that?"

"Frigga told me."

"Why are you here then? You know what I am, yet you still choose to spend time with me. Why?" It broke Freya's heart to hear the pain and desperation in Loki's voice, only making her hatred towards Odin grow stronger. It was his fault that all this happened in the first place. If he had told Loki about his heritage sooner, Loki probably wouldn't have met Thanos. But what counts right now is the god in front of her, not some asshole sitting on a throne in Asgard.

"Because it doesn't matter what you are, you're still Loki and nothing can change that."

Loki remained silent at that, but Freya could see that he wasn't convinced by what she just said. It would take time for him to realize that it didn't change who he was, that he wasn't a monster, and Freya would do anything in her power to make Loki realize that there were people who cared about him, that didn't see him as a monster.

1373 words

Surprise update!!! I found a way to post on mobile web, so here you go.

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