Part 8 Affection

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 Ranpo didn't want to open his eyes, he felt so comfortable next to the pillow that he was snuggling. He grabbed the pillow case and rested his face on it. Wait... was that... a heartbeat?

He opened his eyes to see Poe's face, it was flushed as Ranpo was hugging him while laying on him. As soon as Ranpo realized what pillow he was hugging he pushed himself away and stood up.

"Sorry! I was asleep and thought you were a pillow." said Ranpo as he put his vest back on. It was morning so they slept together the whole night. Meaning, Poe slept!! It was a win!

"You wanna have breakfast?" asked Poe as he got up. "Oh yeah!" cheered Ranpo excitedly. They made breakfast and Ranpo felt as if this was right, this was how things should be.

A little later Poe and Ranpo walked out simultaneously to find Yosano, Chuuya and Dazai knocking at the door to Ranpo's dorm. "Wait... did you...?" asked Yosano "Are you?....?" proceeded Dazai

Poe's face flushed in embarrassment, he knew what they fought they did and it honestly made him happy to think of Ranpo and him in that way but the fought of other people thinking that was... embarrassing. He walked away, power walking to his classroom.

When Poe came to lunch, everyone whispered about them. He first felt betrayed, thinking the group had told everyone that they were "dating" or something, but even tho Ranpo did explain to them, Dazai told Atsushi, who told Akutagawa, and then Higuchi overheard it, and she told it to Gin and Tachihara, things spiraled from there.

They tried to go about everything as normal, since it'd be awkward to address the issue, but nonetheless, when Ranpo came over that day, Poe was awkward.

"look, I know thinking of us as more then friends makes you uncomfortable but-" before Ranpo could finish Poe cut him off "I-I don't get uncomfortable at the thought of us together in that sense, it's just people paying attention to me-" he explained.

Ranpo felt relieved. He actually felt great. "Really?" he questioned, he rarely questioned anything, let alone someones answer but Poe was different... he was complicated but in a good way, a fascinating way. He was an unsolvable mystery, sure Ranpo could deduce most things about him but not everything... He decided it was worth the risk.

Even if Poe said no, he would still be friends with Ranpo since he doesn't have anyone else then Karl. He told Poe to wait a second as he bent down and stuck his hand under Poe's bed, rummaging to find something. He pulled it out, it was a raven plush, one he had found at a store nearby. He thought of Poe when he saw it so he decided to buy it for him.

"W-what?" asked Poe confused at the random sign of affection. "It's for you! Because people usually give things to others when they confess their feelings!!"

"Poe I like you! And before you mess it up like last time, I like like you! Like the like that people experience when they feel romantic feelings?? Yeah that!" He said as he looked at Poe with determination


"Why?" asked Poe suddenly. "what do you mean why? Why did I decide to say this well because-" "No why do you like me? Why would YOU like ME" Poe responded bluntly.

"I... well I love your books, you are one of the only people I can't figure out. You are just really nice and I enjoy being with you, you are the best thing in my life" explained Ranpo, Poe felt his cheeks flush, he couldn't believe Ranpo would say something like that about him.


A/N: Jk I swear I'm not gonna make that a dream, it did actually happen, this is it tho for this chapter, bet you didn't expect them to date yet huh? Anyways 680 words >:)

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