Zoe turns to face Danielle who is staring at her. She stares like nothing else and no one else is in the room. Her eyes trace their way from Zoe's eyes to her nose and stop at her lips. Zoe stares back and the stare down occurs between them without any of them saying anything. Silence takes place in the middle of the bar with live music. Butterflies fill Danielle's stomach as Zoe slowly grabs her hand and pulls her close. Their faces are close enough for Zoe to cup Danielle's face and show off her smile.

"Are there any doctors here?"

Someone screams at the top of their lungs and that takes Danielle back to the reality where chaos happens anytime and anywhere. She pulls back and her eyes shift from the girl in front of her to the scene. Jack is already half way there to the crowd that gathers around the one who needs medical attention. Karishma is right behind Jack with her hands trying to tie her hair up.

"Excuse me." Danielle whispers as she pulls away from Zoe.

Danielle reaches the scene and finally sees what is happening. A guy is lying on the floor with rashes starting to appear on the sides of his neck and he is struggling to breathe.

"Has anyone called 911?" Karishma asks to no one in particular. Her attention is at the man and assisting Jack who is examining his neck.

"Yes. They are 10 minutes away." Someone from the crowd answers.

"What?" The three doctors exclaim at the same time.

"They are literally two blocks away." Danielle adds.

"He is allergic to something." Jack mumbles. "His throat's closing. We have to open his airway."

"On it." Danielle is swift through the crowd to the bar and reaches for something and everything she wants. She returns to the scene with a sharp knife, a metal straw and a bottle of vodka.

"Okay." Jack takes everything from Danielle and starts to pour the Vodka on the knife and the straw. He hands the knife to Karishma. "There will be blood."

Karishma takes the knife from Jack and takes a deep breath through her mouth. "There will be blood."

Karishma presses the knife on the man's throat and draws its way down big enough to make him breathe with ease again.

"There you go. He is breathing. Check his pulse, Danielle." Jack instructs while he manages to insert the metal straw into the cut.

Danielle follows the order. "Pulse is good."

A moment later, the EMT appears at the entrance with a stretcher and a real medical equipment.

"Whoa. The whole ED is here?" One of the EMT jokes as he takes over the patient. The straw is replaced and a minute later, he is carried up on the stretcher. "Thank you, doctors."

After the guy is rolled out, the crowd in the bar starts clapping and cheering for the doctors who have saved the day. Jack playfully takes a bow like he has finished his best show while Alice cheers on him so hard that it puts a smile on his face. Danielle makes her way through the huddling crowd to the bar where Zoe has been watching the scene from distance. Danielle takes the vodka bottle's spout out and takes a big sip before putting it back where it used to be. Then, as soon as the alcohol sinks in, she leans in for a kiss that was earlier interrupted. As for Karishma, she doesn't make her way to Haseena who is watching with one eye closed. She doesn't do good with the sight of blood but she didn't want to miss her wife's heroic moment. When the situation is resolved and Haseena has reactivated both of her eyes, she sees Karishma decides to walk out of the bar instead of going back to her.

"Hey." Haseena follows her out onto the sidewalk where Karishma tries to take a deep breath. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I just need some air." Karishma doesn't turn to face Haseena but from behind, Haseena can see that she has her hand up on her forehead and spirit down to her knees.

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