chapter 1=part time job?

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Rainbow's POV

I walked threw the city of L.A. California.
I've been here for three dayz.
I woke up here one day with nothing.
I walked into a cafe a friend of mine owns.
"Hey rainbow!"he said with his British accent.
"Hey Dan how are you?"I asked.
"Good do you need any money or anything?"Dan asked.
"No but I would like to be one of your new waitresses."I said.
"Your hired here's a an apron."Dan said giving me an apron.
"Thanks Dan I just need to work a little to get some money."I said.
"Your welcome to work here any time you'd like." Dan said.
I looked over three boys walked in and sat at a booth.
"Who are they?"I asked.
"There my number one customers they come daily!"Dan said.
"Can I wait them is that ok?"I asked.
"Sure!"Dan said.
As I walked over to them I thought,"wow how is Dan so cheerful in this town?"

Adam's POV
A young girl probably about 18 came over to us.
I happened to see ty staring at her.
"Hello I'm rainbow and I'll be your waitress."She said taking out a pen and pad.
"What would guys like?"She asked.
"Uh will all have a frapacheno!"I said.
"Would you guys want any thing added?"She asked.
"No were good."I said.
"Ok be back with your order."rainbow said.
She left.
Dan or the diamond minecart came over.
"Dude you got a new waitress?"I asked.
"Yes she is my best friend and when she first came she said that she had woken up here and so I gave her money for three days now she's been visiting here and there she came in today and asked to be a waitress so I let her."Dan said.
"I think ty has got a bit of a crush on her." I whispered.
Dan chuckled.
"I think so." He whispered looking at him.
I looked at ty he was staring at her.
"Yeah."I whispered.
Dan laughed.
"What?"Ty asked.
"Nothing!"I said quickly.
Ty blushed knowing what we were talking about.
Rainbow came back with a tray of frapachenos.
"Here you go guys hope you enjoy!"she said walking off.

Dan's POV
I walked into the kitchen.
Rainbow was making cookies.
"What you doing?"She said.
"I'm making cookies for them."She said.
"Why?"I asked.
"Well didn't you say that they were number one customers?"rainbow asked.
"Yeah."I said.
I thought for a moment.
"Oh I understand."I said understanding.
"Yeah."She said walking out of the kitchen.

Adam POV
Rainbow came over with a plate of cookies sitting them in the middle of the table.
Dan walked over to us.
"We give you these for being our number one customers!"rainbow said excitedly.
"Really thanks we appreciate your kindness."I said.
"Your very welcome."Rainbow said.
She walked over to another table.
"Dan did you tell her to do that?"I asked.
"No she did it her self."Dan replied.
"Really?!"I asked surprised.
"Yeah she's taken a liking to you guys."Dan said.
"You know she could use a place to hang till she can buy a house."Dan said persuasively.
"Tell her she can live with us til she can get a house."I said.
"Ok bye the way you and her look allot like each other."Dan said.
I looked at what I was wearing then looked at rainbow.
"She does allot excerpt the hair."I said.
"Nokitting about the hair!"Dan said . sarcastically.
"Real funny Dan."I said sarcastically.
I looked at Jason and ty.
"Guys we have a temporary New team crafted member!"I said.
"Who?!"Jason asked.
"Rainbow is she needs a place to crash for a little bit till she can get her self a house."I explained.
"Cool!"Jason said.
Ty mouth hung wide open.
"What ty cat got your tongue?"I asked smirking evily.
He glared at me.
Then rainbow came over to us.
"Thank you so much for letting me stay!"she said gratefully.
"Your welcome."I said.

Rainbow's POV
I hung up the apron that I used.
I walked over to Dan.
"Here you go rainbow I hope you are ok with living with complete strangers."Dan said handing me 50 bucks.
"Thank you Dan and I'll be fine you know that."I said hugging him.
I walked out the door to to the boys.

Dan's POV
I walked over to sky or Adam.
"Please take good care of her please she is a good one."I said.
"We will."Sky said.
They got in the car.
As the car started to move rainbow waved at me thought the window.
I waved back as the car drove away.

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