"Then she's probably in the bathroom but who made the food?", Adam asks, following behind me into the break room.

"Well, if it wasn't any of us, who else has access upstairs, genius?", I sarcastically snap at Adam.

"Addie? But she's what 14? There is no way she learned to cook like that. Sarge, I'm telling you, that was like the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever had and the salad was pretty good", Adam rambles.

I instantly remember back to when Addie had offered to cook dinner once but I had brushed her off since she was still injured.

She wouldn't offer to cook unless she knew how to so Addie was the one who cooked.

It also saddened me that she had to learn how to live independently so young to be able to survive.

I went back into the bullpen and took one of the chocolate chip cookies from the container that everyone was eating from.

"Addie was the one who cooked all this? Did you know?", Jay asks as if I know when I'm just as clueless as them.

I'll ask Addie when she comes back.

I take a bite of the cookie and revel in the gooey chocolate that fills the cookie.

That is heavenly.

When Addie offered to cook, I didnt expect that she would be this good at it.

"How long has Addie been gone?", I ask as I take one of the plastic forks and scoop up some of the salad, surprised at the sweet but also spicy taste.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since I got here", Jay says around a mouthful of salad.

I look towards Antonio and Mouse since they've been here all morning.

"She got here around 11am. She talked to us for a bit before going in to the break room", Antonio explains, looking a little worried.

11pm? It's 2:30pm now.

"Did you see her leave?", I ask Antonio.

"No, when I saw that she wasn't in the breakroom, I assumed she was outside for fresh air or in the bathroom", Antonio explains.

I consider the options. She could be outside but I don't think she would leave her coat. She could be in the bathroom or she could have went with Erin somewhere since Erin is the only person not here.

"Jay, check the bathrooms", I say.

Jay leaves and I go back to my office finding my phone and calling Erin.

"Hey Hank, you got any leads?", Erin asks.

"No. Where are you? Is Addie with you?", I ask trying to keep the panic out of my voice.

"Addie? No. I haven't seen her all day. I'm on the way back to the district now. Everything okay?", Erin asks.

"I don't know. Just get here fast", I say before hanging up when Jay knocks on my office door before entering.

"Hey, Addie's not in the bathroom. Is she with Erin?", Jay asks.

"No, I don't know where she is, Jay", I say, trying to keep the panic and worst case scenarios out of my head so I can focus on the facts.

Jay looks nervous now but still assures me.

"We'll find her, Hank", Jay assures.

I take a deep breath before following Jay out of the office, planning my next steps.

"Mouse, Addie took her phone with her, see if you can track it", I tell Mouse who keeps staring at me looking confused.

"If she took her phone with her, why don't you try calling her?", Mouse asks calmly.

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