Chapter 3 : Sleepy

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Luke's POV~

We got to just over half way of the film when Zander started to fall asleep on me. I wasn't to bothered. He looked sort of cute lying there. We were snuggled up on the sofa so I couldn't really move, that's not too bad though because I didn't really need to move.

- Zander snores -

"I swear he always falls asleep while watching films when you're over Luke,", his mam tells me, "You must be really comfy.".
"Yeah I guess I must be,", I chuckle. The film continues while I play with Zander's hair while he's sleeping, trying not to wake him.

- warning spoilers for the hunger games. if you don't want to get spoiled on the film skip the next 2 chapters and continue -

"3, 2, 1,", Katniss and Peeta count.
"Wait", a noise comes from the bubble, "Don't do that. Katniss and Peeta from district 12 have won the 74th hunger games.".

"This ending is amazing,", Micheal says while turning the tv off as the film had officially ended.
"I know,", I say, "It gets me every time.".
"Don't even get me started on Catching fire's ending,", Shannon joins the conversation, "The way she shoots the arrow up on the force field and then it hits with Coldplay singing Atlas in the credits.
"I know!", Micheal says, "It makes me cry every time.".

"Do you want to wake Zander up?", Shannon asks me, "Just so you can go to bed as it's,", she checks the time on her phone, "Jesus it's 0:34pm.".
"I'll just carry him,", I say.
"You sure?", his step dad asks me.
"Yeah,", I smile, "He's as light as a feather.".
"If your alright about it,", he replies.

His parents walk towards their bedroom (it's on the same floor near the kitchen). Zanders room is upstairs so I'll just carry him in my arms upstairs, He'll be fine, right?


He's now safely in bed. Nothing happened, he's fine. Maybe the odd bruise on his arm of me accidentally catching him against a wall but nothing to serious. I look at his cute little face with his eyes closed. I look at my phone and it just turns to 1:00 from 0:59. It's time for me to get to bed. I place myself into some joggers but it's too hot for a top so I place myself into the bed. I cuddle into Zander, hugging him from behind. He slowly starts to wake up.p

"Did I wake you up sugar?", I start to feel bad.
"No,", he murmurs, "How long have I been asleep for?".
"About an hour,", I whisper to him.
"Alright,", he responds. He turns over and places his head in my chest. I give him one last kiss before we fall asleep in each other's arms.


Zander's POV~

I look over my shoulder to see the time come up on my computer. The time reads: 9:38am. Turns out I must of fallen asleep in my clothes. Oh and look. There's random red marks on my arm, I wonder what they are off.

"Hi baby,", my boyfriend turns over to face me.
"Hi love,", I smile and hug him from the front instead of being a big spoon like before. He kisses the top of my head and then rests his chin of it again. We stay like this for a few minutes, cuddled into one another.

"Do you wanna get some breakfast,", I ask him.
"Whatever you want,", Luke smiles. With that, I hop out of the bed, still in yesterday's clothes which includes some jogger shorts and one of Luke's hoodies. It was a light purple hoodie but the strings were really long so I usually fiddle with them. Luke comes out of his side, with only his joggers on. I can't help but stare. My boyfriend works out 3 times a week so he is starting to get a few abs.

"Eyes are up here Zander,", he looks over at me. I have been caught. I get a little flustered after this and my face goes bright pink.
"Sorry,", i hide my face.
"It's alright,", he chuckles. He picks up one of my T-shirts out my cupboard and puts it on.

"Most of them will to small on you,", I say knowing this is true because I'm so small.
"Can I wear a baggy one,", he begs.
"Yeah sure,", I smile which I never normally do. My boyfriend picked out a baggy t-shirt that I got for free from some charity thing I did with Hailey quite recently . He puts it on and it fits just right.
"You can keep it if you want,", I state, "I never wear it anymore, anyways.".
"Thank you baby,", Luke comes over and hugs me.
"Your welcome,", I place my head on his shoulder. He kissed me and then we head down stairs for breakfast.


"It's just me up so be quiet,", Shannon says in a quieter tone at me and Luke, "Do you know what's up with Hailey and Jake because I'm messaging her and she won't tell me.".
"I don't know if she'd want us to tell you,", I state, "I think she wanted to tell you in person.".
"Wait,", she realises, "Are Jake and Hailey dating of what?". I look over to Luke. He nods his head and I do to.
"I knew it!", she exclaims.
"Don't tell her we told you,", Luke smiles.
"I won't,", she grins.

"What would you both like for breakfast?", my mom asks me and my boyfriend.
"What do you want love?", I look over my shoulder asking my boyfriend.
"You choose,", he tells me.
"We have waffles don't we?", I state.
"Yeah do you want some waffles?", she asks.
"Yeah please,", I smile at her.
"They'll be out soon,", she tells us, "You can just chill in the sitting room for now and I'll bring them in.".

I put my arm around his shoulder and we sit down next to each other. The tv was turned on and it had been changed to a radio channel. Boring. I turned the channel over randomly to find a film on the tv. It was called "Call me by my name". (I've never watched the film before but I've heard it's meant to be good).

And we sit and lie there his head on my shoulder with my arm wrapped around him. . .

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